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Live, Love, Matter; here's how.

This is a series of 52 "assignments" to help your grow into the person of "more"; to be more, do more and have more. 

This next assignment is adapted from something one of my mentors; Brendon Burchard who shares this insight in his great book titled High Performance Habits. Early on he tells the reader to envision a “future self” as one of the Future Four.  (You’ll have to get his book to find out what the other three areas are).

Since I am T.H.E. Life & Legacy Coach™ and have a daily ritual of asking myself in the morning “how will I live my life to leave a legacy today?” followed by my checking whether or not I did and how I did so in the evening, I was very much intrigued by Brendon’s personal daily three “commands” as he calls them, LIVE, LOVE, MATTER. He starts and ends his day much like I do with my “living a life and leaving a legacy”.

Being inspired by Brendon, this week’s assignment is a direct line from his book. “If you could describe your ideal self in the future, the person you are trying to become, how would you describe that self?”

Wow. Just reading that sentence again brings thoughts from every mentor’s words I’ve ever heard or read.

For me I have struggled with similar assignments such as “Picture your IDEAL day, house, job” and all of that. I’m an artist, I’m very visual but perhaps non-focused or what; I am not sure. But for me I could never really pin down something in my mind which was, is or will be “ideal”. Then I realized that I don’t have to have an “exact” picture of what “ideal” is. I only need to have some semblance of what “ideal” could be, for me, and in “segments” of my ideal day, house or job. This made it easier for me. When I realized that I could build “chunks” of my ideal future, and then build upon them, this became easier. So when you do this week’s “assignment”, be sure to have fun with it, don’t be so rigid and maybe choose one or two areas of your “future self” to think on and bring about. Then later, build on them.

“If you could describe your ideal self in the future, the person you are trying to become, how would you describe that self?”

Describe how, generally and overall, your ideal self will be at the end of this week.

Comment, generally and overall, the person you are trying to become.

Generally and overall, describe yourself today and describe the self you want to be.

Come up with three words like Brendon’s LIVE, LOVE, MATTER which apply to you and how you want to live each day now which will create your future self. 

Then create 3 alarms on your phone titled those three words. When they sound, you’ll be reminded of your mission to a better future self!

For those who will make more time and do a bit more with this assignment (a kind of “extra credit”), extend these first three steps to 90 days, 1 year and 5 years.

Live each day to create your life along the way.

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

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