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Learn from your Successes

I will start today by telling you: "Don’t Learn from your Mistakes" This may seem contrary to what you have learned, but it is true; here's what I mean by that. 

Successful people don’t learn from their mistakes; they learn from their successes.

You may have heard the several variations on what Edison said about having made 1,000 or 10,000 (depending on what version you hear) mistakes when he finally invented the light bulb. His answer was that he didn’t make the 1,000 or 10,000 mistakes, he simply found 1,000 or 10,000 ways that didn’t work! This tells me that Edison did not learn from his mistakes but that he “looked at things differently” and learned from his successes. 

Today dwell on your past successes (not your mistakes) and know that if you succeeded in one area, no matter how small, in the past, that you can succeed in something, no matter how big, today. Donald Trump says to dream big because it takes just as much work to dream big as it does to dream small. 


Many know me as a professional marketer and public speaker/trainer. This month I’m sharing about how you can meet and exceed your goals. Since there is nothing “new under the sun”, I’m going to let one of my mentors share with you. Now of course, this is about Real Estate but the principles will work for anything you want in life. Check out this video by one of my mentors, Dean Graziosi.
PURPOSE, WHY IMPORTANT, and IDEAL OUTCOME. Write these words down; yes, actually write these words down. OK, thank yourself for doing so. Now fill in the blanks. Watch the video so you can see what Dean is doing as it pertains to helping Real Estate Investors. It’s at:
Ask yourself these questions and fill in your own answers:
·         What specific thing do you want to accomplish?
·         What is the biggest difference this will make within your life?
·         What does this "thing" look like when successfully completed?
·         What are the success criteria that must be true when this is finished?
·         What is the best result you could expect if you take this action?
·         What is the worst result you could experience if you do not take action?

Make it a great day!
Terrific. Energizing. Results

Study Smarter, Not Harder: Speed Learning

It's been awhile since I've been here. I guess I've been out enjoying life and learning. Lately I ran across a great way to make learning fun and fast in all areas. 

The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort. The Title Says It All. Reveals Speed Study And Accelerated Learning Techniques So You Can Study Smarter, Not Harder. Simple System That Anyone Can Use To Improve Their Grades And Earn More Money.

This is a way to really work smarter and not harder. Check it out and let me know what you think! Just click on  STUDY SMARTER LINK ON THIS PAGE.