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How to Turn Your Negative "Now" into Positive Power for your Future

Destiny Moves 

Step 7 (of 10; we’re almost through).

This is part of my program called Destiny Moves. Everyone has a destiny yet most people don't know what theirs is so they work a job that isn't fulfilling, and don't live the life they could easily live. They are so busy making a living they are living their life. When people know and live their destiny life seems to "fall into place" and they are less stressed and happier. It takes trust to live your destiny and not live like all those around you who don't know what destiny they have. In Destiny Moves I help you to know what your path is and how to stay on that path. 

I’ve been “living” step 7 for so long that I sometimes forget how so many people are not aware of this seemingly simple principle of focusing on the positive versus the negative to get more positive into their lives. Just yesterday I shared with someone how when we are looking for something such as money for instance, we will “see” it where others walk over it or around it without seeing it. By intently planning to be positive in our outlook we will more often be positive because that is what we are seeking. We will “see” positive in areas and opportunities where others will walk over or around them without seeing them. This element of Destiny Moves could certainly have been step one instead of step seven or any other step but I think having it here has provided newcomers to meditation and the practice of Destiny Moves time to be prepared for this teaching.

The number 7 has great significance so having it as our Destiny Move to a more positive life is not by accident.

In step 7 you would start it as with any of the other steps, to get into your meditative state as before, relaxing and going through everything until you are in the Alpha state and then do the following to program your higher mind centers to achieve positive emotions and replace the old negative thoughts and habits.

Meditate on confidence. What is confidence? Think of those who seem confident and ask what makes them so. How would you feel if you were confident? Think of situations where you could be more confident and visualize yourself acting confident in the usual roles you play every day.

Now repeat the following seven times: I am confident in myself, my abilities and my future. I was created perfect and created confident; I must only accept this and do so now. I now express this perfect confidence in my daily life. I replace any negative emotion of fear or other with knowing I am surrounded by God’s protective circle of light, for my powerful and positive future starting this very moment.  

On Sunday do this for the emotion of Good and God; Monday, Peace and Harmony; Tuesday, Confidence; Wednesday, Tolerance; Thursday, Beauty in self, others and my world; Friday, Kindness and Forgiveness; and on Saturday dwell on the emotion of Love and Charity.

For example, on Thursday you would replace the word “confident” and “confidence” with Beautiful and Beauty; saying it seven times. I am Beautiful in myself, my abilities and my future. I was created perfect and created Beautiful; I must only accept this and do so now. I now express this perfect Beauty in my daily life. I replace any negative emotion of fear or other with knowing I am surrounded by God’s protective circle of light, for my powerful and positive future starting this very moment.  

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate emotional words assigned to each day. You’ll note that they are closely related to our exercise for all seven days in step five.

When doing this (and the entire Destiny Moves Program) on an ongoing basis you are programming your conscious mind positive habits which will break and replace those negative thoughts and habits. I’m reminded of my friend and mentor, Bob Proctor who has read from the book Think and Grow Rich every day since around 1962. My wish for the readers and followers of Destiny Moves is that they and you too will continue with these moves daily for the remainder of your life. When you are living your destiny, it seems as if you have the Midas touch and most everything falls in place and comes easily to you. Get off the path and things get a bit rocky.

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.

Ter Scott is available to speak at your next event, and even via online! Use the contact information on this page to request details.

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