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Make the world a "weller" place.

Good day all!

I am known (as many things; some I can't mention here) on the Internet as the "Man of 100 Blogs" and it is tough to manage all so that they do not become "Ghost Blogs". I'm really not concerned about having tons of readers and viewers with all of them as most are mostly for my benefit and artistic release; but I of course put useful content in all for those lucky souls who should stumble upon them.

Every once in awhile I go back to the posts I've written and give them new birth by mentioning them again in a different blog as I will do here today. Creating and submitting content in a blog is like having a journal and going back and reading what one has written confirms and cements one's beliefs and is evidence that thoughts become things.

In one of my blogs I'm a co-author with the Cosmos in which I present a new Cosmos wisdom gem daily. Going back through the over 400 gems to date I found this one with the title: "Do Well".

This has become one of my salutations in my departure either physically or when writing in a book, card or closing my speaking event. It was interesting to see that I used this as a post (having to do with the body; but is beneficial in all areas of the Major 8) I'm now using in much of my daily speech and writing.

When you "do well" you, your world and others also "do well" and the world becomes "weller". Draw from your "well of inspiration and creation" to make this world a "weller" place to live.

So to you, my wish and salutation is simply this, "Do Well!".

Ter Scott!
Life & Legacy Coach

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