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Eric Worre's A Call to Action video, wows Ter Scott's Clients

It doesn't matter what you do, or if you do it for someone else or yourself, you (and I) need to do it with all our heart. I would suggest that you have your own business (at least have a small business along side your job) where you can control some things and put more of yourself into it to make it grow and succeed.

So, again, regardless of what you do or sell (and we all sell something; usually many things, it's just that some get paid directly for doing so) invest about 10 minutes to watch and listen to my friend Eric Worre. This is a speech that he gave as a much younger person but it is absolutely errie just how appropriate to today's news, and will continue to be relevant because as I present in my screenplay, Winter Boy: "Some things never change".

I know that only 5% of you reading this will take the time to watch this. And sadly, less will learn from it. But I hope you'll be a 5 percenter and watch this, now. When your negative side tells you not to watch this, that you have better things to do, that it won't apply to you or your business, tell it to SHUT UP and watch this video.

Here it is:

You will thank yourself (and maybe me) that you did.

Go forth and do great things!
Ter Scott!
Life and Legacy Coach

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