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Business hack to Manage Entreprenuerial Projects; know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.

 Busy Entreprenuer Hack # 85

1.     Do you have so many “irons in the fire” that you can’t keep track of them all, can’t remember all of them, find that you haven’t touched them or done anything with them but you are paying every month for access?

This can happen to any entrepreneur. We see opportunities get involved with them but sometimes forget that, we may have the money to invest and they can be related and helpful to what we do but we may not have the time available to give to them. So, we invest in programs that we love but don’t do. It’s like buying a book and never reading it; or buying courses that we just never do. I think this will help.

Go into your online bank account and export your register (I use a CSV format so it can be opened in Excel) and capture at least 6 months. Delete everything except what are payouts to monthly programs etc. You’ll now have a list of things you are paying for but not using. Cancel them or do them. Do this regularly.

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