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52 Weeks “52 to Living New” A F R EE Success System by Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

52 Weeks “52 to Living New”

Dear Friend,

Most of us know that when we get up each morning that we are given a “new” day. However, how many of us grasp the full potential of this meaning? Do we try new things, do we do new things and do we learn new things? It is only when we make a conscious effort to “be new” that we’ll be able to look back over time and see our older, past self and then look in the mirror and see our “new” self. We’ve all heard it said, that if we are not living, we are dying. Are you ready to “live”?

When you answer “yes”, you are saying “yes” to so many things which automatically open to you. You’ll get up each morning with purpose and go to bed each night with great anticipation of living again your next day!
Hello. My name is Terry (Ter) Scott! I am T.H.E. Life & Legacy Coach™ and I teach people how to “Live your life and leave a legacy”™.

I have given myself an assignment and I am inviting you to join me. Over the next 52 weeks I will work on one thing each week which will make me a better person. This will include personality traits, habits, routines and techniques which may be reminders to continue doing what I have been doing, to tweak it, “delete” it or do something entirely different.

Regardless of “where” you are right now or “where” you desire to be, when you join me in this 52 week adventure you will definitely be, do and have “more” in 12 months than only 1 year older! Imagine, when you (and I) can be just 1% better in 12 months (or less) how different our (personal) world can be?

You can start any week of the year.

You’ll get a very “simple” assignment to do during the week.

You can then answer the questions at the week’s end (optional) and leave your comments (also optional) to help others. (And I read every comment and reply “publicly” for all to see and be helped).

Oh, and by the way, this is absolutely F R E E!

My assignment is to create these “assignments” each week and to comment on your questions and comments. When you join me and others, we’ll both be helped. And since I’m creating these 52 weeks as we go on, maybe you have something we should address in one of the weekly sessions; just let me know!

There is no “sign up” page or anything (at least for now). Just use the QR code or the link which will take you to the blog article. By the end of the week I should have the next article created and will post a new QR code and link which will take you to the next article.

Scan this QR or visit the link
to go to Week One of “52 to Living New” and let’s get started!

Ter Scott!
Life & Legacy Coach™

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