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Determine your "exact exchange" for what you seek in life.

The second step in 7 Days to Wealth is…

VISIT HERE FOR STEP 1 DAY 1; to do these steps in order. 

Determine exactly what you’ll give in exchange for the amount of money you are requesting.

“Oh boy, I knew there was a catch”, I hear some of my readers saying (or thinking). Well, at least you are thinking! But I will share with you right now that you don’t have to invest a lot to get a lot. You don’t have to put in 5,000 efforts to get $5,000. You don’t have to invest, or put in the equivalent of $5000 to get $5000.

Many people, because they are used to trading hours for dollars; and working a certain amount of hours to get paid for a certain amount of dollars, may think this way.

But I want you to think of the “seed” concept.

When a farmer plants a seed, from that one seed comes a harvest of “many”. Depending on the size and type of seed one places in the soil determines whether it may be a harvest of say, 5,000 of "something". Some seeds may only yield 500, some 5,000 and some nothing; this depends on the quality of the seed and… the quality of the sower!

There are many types of seed and like the fact that seeds produce after their own kind (tomato seeds grow tomatoes), all seeds create a garden of abundance and actually help each plant to cross-pollinate.

You may plant the seed of a smile, kind gesture, compliment or something which costs you zero in dollars but pays you dividends in the same or other ways. A kind word may get you another kind word in return, but it may also get you a cup of coffee, a ride to the store, a free lunch or a new job!

Also, remember that I told you that your harvest depends on the “quality” of the seed? "Good seed" produces good fruit and "bad seed"; bad fruit. This is a simple “law”. I also mentioned that your harvest depends on the “quality” of the sower. What I mean by that is that the sower has to know how and the best way to sow. Education is important and I am teaching you in these 7 steps.

Everyone is always planting seeds; much of which is unconsciously planted. In this step, I want you to become more aware of the seeds you plant, make every effort that the seeds you plant are “good seeds”, and especially this “seed” which is what you will give (or plant) to acquire the amount of money you desire.

Later I’ll share more about this principle (and when you choose to be a client, we will definitely learn more) but for now, I want you to be easy with all of this and just “let it come” to you in an easy manner. There is a certain amount of “work” and effort you must put into this but then you need to relax and go about your life purpose and trust that the seen you’ve planted will grow. Don’t keep looking at the soil, and don’t keep digging up the seed to see how the seed is doing. Trust.

You’ve written down the amount of money you desire (later we’ll discuss “wealth” and “money” but for your first trek on this 7 steps journey, we’ll work with “money”). You have thought about it. Now simply think about how you’ll give and what you’ll give from your personal resources such as time, talent, skills and yes even money, to translate this seed into the amount of money you desire. The seed of money produces more money; however, the seeds of kindness and other good seed produce a more beautiful garden and beautiful life. Gaining money without beauty can be ugly.

Keep this easy and fun. 

“Set peace of mind as your highest goal, 

and organize

 your life around it.” —Brian Tracy

Each of these 7 “chapters” is meant to give value on its own. After reading each, you will be equipped to do something to improve your life path to gaining “more” for your journey. If you only read this one chapter, you will be a better person and hopefully motivated to lead a better life with all that comes with it! Read this chapter several times, take notes in a journal, meditate and really think about what you’ve read. Share the information or your thoughts with others. Reading each article and doing each step can only make you a better person, and you’ll certainly be ready for the next and following material if you choose to continue (I hope you will).

If the following link is not “clickable”, then the next chapter is not yet published. Please be patient and return here to see when it is available or better still, use the contact us form and request Ter Scott’s MMM e-letter which shares updates, ideas and related things you are sure to like and you’ll be notified as to when a new article (step) is published.

How would you like to make a difference in someone’s life, 
right now, today? 

Share these seven steps made available free 
starting with this link: 

You can share any or all of these 7 steps with your group, clients and website visitors (without changing or editing anything), as a freebie with a membership offer, sale of a product or service; or whatever. I do ask however that you do so with integrity and honesty, do not “spam” others, or hurt others in any way, and that you make sure that the 7 Steps to Wealth is “relevant” for your readers and customers. 

Share this link in your email signature, on your website with my permission: 

You may want to visit each of the 7 articles pertaining to the accompanying step and leave your questions and comments in the comments that follow. I will reply and may even use your questions, comments, and experiences in future updated editions of this course.

VISIT HERE FOR Upcoming STEP 3; DAY 3, and I encourage you to do these steps in order. I do caution you to please allow at least a full day for each step. This is not a race; maybe it is a marathon but it definitely is a 7-day journey. There is something about the number 7; this number is spiritual and has to do with intuition, mysticism, wisdom and inner knowing. I believe number 7 also has much to do with “completion”. Therefore, with my intention that all my readers achieve the results from doing all seven steps. I encourage you to “complete” them. One really cannot “rush” success; time is always your friend. 

Please take your time with each of these seven steps. You will thank yourself later when you achieve the monetary amount that you’ve determined to attain in step one.

Let’s move on to STEP 3; DAY 3 when you have completed steps one and two. 

(Did you miss article, Step 1? Visit it here). 

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