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I’m paranoid; successful people are out to “help” me!

Most have heard the expression, “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink” and this also applies to people and good things. People complain that they don’t have things like money and the “good” life yet the answer in how to achieve this and so much more is all around them. Those with the answers are willing to share and are sharing; exactly how they became successful but most people don’t see it.

People are skeptical and fearful of moving forward and doing something different; I guess I can understand. However, the longer I am now on the successful side of life I can easily “forget” where I once was and how ignorant, fearful and skeptical I also was.

My only advice that may help people who aren’t’ where they want to be in life but are fearful and skeptical would be to remain fearful and skeptical (in a healthy, cautious way) but while being fearful and skeptical to still move forward and do something to change your situation for the better; don’t let your fear and skepticism stop you! Then as you progress, be it slowly, you will eventually see the light; that really successful people are out to help you!  

Think about the truth of something a friend told me one time, “You could have a gold mine and even the equipment to dig and all you need are friends to help you dig the gold and you would still have a tough time getting people to help you”. People, the “gold” of success is all around you and others are willing to share it with you but you’ve got to be ready! Another saying is “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. Here is a note to the “teachers”.

I recently joined a group of like-minded, positive thinkers; people just like you and me but who simply want to be better and have a better life. That’s what it is called by the way; The BetterLife Challenge created by my friend Dean Graziosi. I won’t share the details here, and you can certainly check it out yourself (which is what I strongly recommend) but what I will share is something I said to encourage other members in the private Facebook group. Because the members can invite others to join and they face “rejection” because many people they invite don’t recognize the “gold mine” type of value joining would be for them, I wanted them to continue and not lose heart because they are “ready” and those who they invited are not; at least for now, and to keep inviting them to success in the future. Here are my comments:

To all who are part of The BetterLIfe Challenge, I salute you! Being part of the winners' group is special; not because the group is special but because you and the people that make up the group are special. When you decided to say "yes" to commit to 30 days of doing something to make a difference in your life and then in others, says so much about you that only few will ever understand. How can you "know" this beyond any doubt? Here's how. When you invited others to join in making the 30 Day Challenge and either they said "no" or didn't respond. That's your answer; they aren't "ready" yet, but you are. You are the small minority that is ready to change yourself and your world. I just wanted to let anyone who has invited others and they've not come on board to not be discouraged but to be the example. You are what makes this group special!

So regardless if you are in a “success” group such as this one which is definitely changing lives or another, don’t give up on yourself or others. When you ask others to join your “gold mine” realize that they are not ready. For those who are still reading and want to push aside skepticism and fear and want to join The BetterLife 30 Day Challenge, I encourage you to do so. It is no cost, takes a few minutes each day for 30 days, and what do you have to lose? I’m on day 23 and I love it. I’m almost done and wish I could do it again, but will move on to greater things.

Make it a great day! 
Scott! Life & Legacy Coach ™

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