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Stop the insanity; all colors are beautiful and we all bleed red. Live in peace.

In a recent Facebook post, someone presented how a teacher stated that simply being “white” makes you a racist. It certainly spawned a lot of comments. I seldom read all the comments because that’s what they are; comments, and people are entitled to them. Here is mine:

If being "white" is racist, then so is "black", and any other "color" on the globe. I think God knew the heart of man and that we could not get along so that's why the song is: "Jesus loves the little children..." Our "problem" is that the world no longer sings. Ter Scott

The world is hurting right now but it is our own fault. Why? It is because we keep listening to the “wrong” voices and not that of our own heart and inner talk. We insist on listening to the voices of dissension of governments and people in power who want to stay in power by creating a rub between people of color, classes, pay scale, neighborhoods, countries, football teams and political parties to name just a few things.

I'm glad the following video is only about a minute in length; it is so hard to watch. To all involved in this I ask, please think rationally and tell me what this accomplished for you "cause" if you really have one (or that of those who have power over you and manipulate you to do this)? Were you able to go home that night and kiss your partner, your kids and tell them now the world is safe for them to live; that you've done something awesome today with your life making the world a better place and could sleep restfully knowing that now, all is "all right". Or did you not even think. You did not think about the consequences of your actions for today and the tomorrows which follow. 

It is our responsibility to disregard these voices and make the world a better place or take what we may think is an easier route and do what we can to “get them”, “they’ll pay for what they’ve caused me and my people” or whatever “animal” instinct (wait a minute, sorry animals; most of you act better than some of us humans) we want to react to in the moment.

Before “reacting” think about how to “respond”; is it in love or retaliation? And also, where is this voice coming from and who benefits from manipulating you to fight and create chaos in your neighborhoods? You may think that you you’re your own “cause” to hurt and destroy but make no mistake; someone, some group or some power much bigger than you are provoking you to do this. Who is it the benefits, makes money and stays in power when you hurt yourself and others in your locality by all of this. And when you town is burnt to the ground, you have no homes, no stores, no protection and no quality of life it is you and your family that gets hurt; those who you gave power over you by following them simply move on to provoke others in another place and the destruction happens al over again.

We are living in unsafe times, but it doesn't have to be; when we take responsibility for our own actions and not react with destruction, like the voices of powers who want to see you die; but respond in love, like the voices of those who want you to live and to have this country be the best to raise your children and your children's children; IT IS YOUR CHOICE. 

Stop the insanity. Love all colors. Listen to your heart, respond; don't "react" and love all.

Ter Scott, 
Life and Legacy Coach

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