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When you buy art...

There is much to see on Facebook and not all that great. Many times I see the evidence of ignorance and more, the unrelenting desire to remain ignorant! But here is something that I found that was so full of wisdom. It's a picture of hands holding colored chalk and shows words that speak wisdom. Here it is with my comments:

When I taught graphic design I asked the students how long they spent on their projects. Some stated, days, hours and others sheepishly stated a few hours. I gently corrected them after asking them to state their ages. I added their age to the amount of time they told me they spent on the project. You spent 18 years, 2 days and 4 hours on your project. Why, because everything you've done and experienced to this point in your life is how much you put into your art project. I taught graphic design and I taught wisdom. Thanks for this picture; it's good to know others out there understand this too.

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