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Replace Wednesday's "Hump Day" with "My Expecting Day" and then expect "Good"! Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™


For this exercise will require your yellow note pad, 3 x 5 card and a pen.

Before we start, what do you “expect” in each area of the Major 8™?
Health ___________________________________
Food ___________________________________
Rest ___________________________________
Money ___________________________________
Life & Legacy ___________________________________
Sex ___________________________________
Wellbeing of Family and Friends ___________________________________
Feeling of Importance and Respect ___________________________________

Choose one of the above which is most urgent or pressing which you desire a faster result. Write it down.  ___________________________________

Now list three possible “channels” in which it could materialize from.

Now think of an image which would be your image of pleasant experiences and positive good.

Today, and every Wednesday, you’ll work on “expectancy”. 

We get what we expect so we must control our thoughts and not have our thoughts control us. I read recently in T. Harv Eker’s book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, how we control our thoughts; or we should. He further explains how “we are not our mind”. We are much bigger and greater than our mind alone. Our mind is simply a part of us just like our hand is. We must control our minds just as we control our hand. Think for a moment if your right hand which you are looking at right now was as “scattered” and “uncontrolled” as your thoughts sometimes are. That’s an interesting thought and visual, isn’t it? As Harv relates, we must only entertain thoughts which are empowering; not dis-empowering. When a non-supportive thought rises up in your mind, he likes to say (out loud) “Cancel” or “Thank you for sharing “and replace* it with a more empowering thought. I like to say verbally, “Cancel; cancel”; whatever you choose to use is fine, just be sure to “cancel” and “delete” these thoughts and replace them with the empowering thought which will propel you to the future you seek.  Know a specific affirmation and have it at ready to use for these occasions.

*Note that thoughts must be handled as we do with habits. We don’t “change” them so much as we “replace” them.

To learn more about what the mind really is and how it works and how you are “not” your mind, I suggest that you study the teachings of Bob Proctor. I believe that when we are “talking internally”; to “our self” that it isn’t our mind talking that it is our “soul” talking. The part which is a segment of the collective mind and that is why we “feel” each other’s joys and pains. It isn’t our mind talking. Our mind will come up with thoughts and we can tell it to be quiet or speak. This is I’ll leave the “study of the mind” for a later time but for now, trust me. You are not your mind.

The hand is the tool of our body
which we use to handle things,
and our mind is the part of the body
that we use to be mindful of things;
both are parts of our body.

Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

We can use our mind to “expect” the things we desire or we can let it give us things in an uncontrolled, haphazardly way. The reason our life is “out of control”, disorganized and haphazard, is due to our not training and taming our mind; it is our own fault and not our mind. Our thoughts are “things” and they materialize in the form of what we think about and how we think.
“Thoughts become things.
If you see it in your mind,
you will hold it in your hand.”
― Bob Proctor, You Were Born Rich

“What we think about comes about.”
Mark Victor Hansen

For this, your Wednesday session, use the exercise we’ve discussed to get into your meditative state. Breathe, relax and be totally focused on peace, being still and all that you now know to do.

When you are in this state, do the following.

Meditate on the “good” which you “expect” in your life. You may want to do a mental “walk- through of the Major 8™ and determine the “good” you desire in all eight areas. I find this helpful for myself and my clients.

Don’t be concerned or think about how these will happen, except to be expectant in receiving good things from many channels; or resources but don’t choose these channels or sources. Just know that money for instance, could come via a bonus from your job, or a best friend who wants to be blessed by giving you a gift. Note that you receive from many “channels”; not many “sources”. There is only one source which is God and He uses many channels and “vessels” to get your desired “good” to you.

When you see a “negative” (“not having your desire or desired) situation, see it as leading to your “good” (“having your desire or desired) situation. Behind the next door is my “good”, over the next hill is my “good” and just around the next bend, is my “good”! All roads lead to my “good”.

So today, while you are in your meditation, with a clear and calm mind, say the following.

Today I meditate on the good which is mine and I sincerely and genuinely expect it to become reality in my outer life. I know that my situation regardless of it being negative or positive that I control my thoughts and I either think good or I cancel dis-empowering thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts of what I want to manifest in my life. Everything in my life leads to me being more, doing more and having more; more of what I desire is exactly what I expect. I now mold my mind with the image of pleasant experiences and positive good for myself, my world and those around me.

Spend some time being open to hearing your thoughts tell you things you can do or not do to move forward. Trust that you will remember them to later write on your yellow pad or open your eyes momentarily in this dreamlike state and jot a few notes and close your eyes to return to your meditation. (This is the way song lyrics come to you and ideas for inventions and other income producing thoughts). 

Be comfortable here and think about your day, tomorrow and the week. Remember that as you thoughts present to you negative situations or outcomes, say “Cancel, cancel” and replace them with what it is that you desire … and expect!

Immediately upon opening your eyes, jot down a few notes on your yellow pad and on a 3 x 5 card. On the following Wednesday be sure to bring both to your session and look at your notes prior to going into your meditation.

Dear Reader,

It was no accident that you found this and read it. Please follow these steps for at least seven days and then return and report your results in the comments below so you’ll not only help others but in return you’ll help yourself by “cementing” your reality.

I am very aware that when these articles are offered to people to read, few do. They say things like “I’ll get to it” and getting to “it” never happens. Some will read but for some reason or excuse they do not do the exercises. To these people it is like buying a book and putting it on the shelf. But for those few who read this and act on the exercises, they are the few who “win” in life. You’ve seen these people. They are the ones who others say that they live a charmed life, or that they have it all. Destiny Moves is all about being able to live that charmed life, have it all and still have balance with abundance. I encourage you to start this moment and then place this action on tomorrow morning’s action list and then slowly do what it takes to make this a routine. Doing it now, is the only way you’ll move forward with what you’ve read. I believe you will realize what others think are “miracles”. Tell me about those miracles in the comment area below.

Also, consider registering for my coaching sessions. Request details using the contact form on this page.

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