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Wisdom calls out.
I love wisdom; wisdom loves me.
I seek wisdom and wisdom finds me.
With wisdom are riches and honor,
enduring wealth and prosperity.

Wisdom’s fruit is better than fine gold,
and her yield surpasses choice silver.

There’s an old TV commercial cartoon about Oscar Meyer hot dogs where a kid sings, “I'd love to be an Oscar Meyer wiener, that is what I truly want to be. 'Cuz if I were an Oscar Meyer wiener, everyone would be in love with me”. Well after you read this I trust that you’ll want to love wisdom so wisdom can be in love with you.

Every morning, almost without exception, I read one chapter from the book of Proverbs. Chapter 8 is one of my very favorites. I’ve taken a section and tweaked it to become an affirmtation which I can declare every morning to set my day right. I’m not changing any jot to tittle but personalizing it so both I and you if you are so inclined to use it to bless you, your day and others.

First of all, God created Wisdom as He is the originator of all. God loves you and me and so does the Wisdom which God created. Is it any wonder that wisdom calls out, just as God does? So I declare without any hesitation the truth that I love wisdom and wisdom loves me; it’s a great truth and a great way not only to start your day, but to start each moment and each breath knowing this truth; and confessing it.

And what great assurance it is to know that I seek wisdom that wisdom finds me (and you)! One of my mentors, Bob Proctor shares how that “what we are seeking is seeking us” and that definitely is the case with wisdom. But isn’t it great to know that wisdom, without exception finds us; that is when we seek it?

So many people seek wealth and riches and here is proof that God wants you to be as wealthy and rich as He can make you. God has all the riches, he has it all and I believe that to not do all you can to have all you can is a sin (separation from God). God made everything, He made all the riches which are available abundantly and He made wisdom which, when we seek it seeks us and brings with it not only riches but honor, enduring wealth and prosperity!

This is not me or anyone else saying this; this is what Proverbs says about wisdom and I’m all about becoming wiser, how about you?

Note too that wealth and prosperity are two different things. (You may want to run to your online dictionary and read the definition of both. It will not only be educational but will, I believe, set your course on living more wealthy and prosperously!

Sometimes when people read the last sentence, they think this voids everything which came before it, but it actually amplifies it. “Wisdom’s fruit is better than fine gold, and her yield surpasses choice silver” does not mean that you should seek wisdom because it is better than gold or silver and that you should not seek gold or silver.

First, note the word “fruit”. Fruit is the result of actions and wisdom’s actions and your actions or inactions of using wisdom bears fruit; good or poor. You should do what you must do to attain gold and silver because by doing so you will help others and one of the best ways to attain gold and silver (and help others) is to seek wisdom. And when you seek wisdom, wisdom seeks (and finds) you and you’ll not only have gold but “fine” gold and not only silver but what surpasses “choice” silver.

Wow, get all excited and go tell everybody (as the old gospel song goes). It doesn’t get better than that. I truly love wisdom and wisdom loves me!

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