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How to Live on 50% of your Incoming.

Our “wrong” beliefs can block our “incoming monies” because we’ve heard and repeated like good parrots similar things such as “It took you awhile to get into this mess and so it will take you awhile to get out of it”, we think that indeed it will take more time. And equally devastating is that we don’t know “how much time” or we don’t take the necessary action to create our own time table to see it accomplished.

If your “mess” has to do with not “realizing” money or having money in your hand for your distribution desires, I will show you how to have a “mess of money”! Money is all around you; it is as common as the air you are breathing right now. Look around you. The banks in your town have money. Businesses on Main Street have money. The person who has a successful home business has money. Money is all around you; you have not just accepted it yet. You’ve not accepted this in your mind where your thoughts rule your reality and you’ve not accepted this by simply doing what steps it takes to reach out and receive it.

One thing you must learn is that you have much disbelief about money and how to realize it. Here I am combating the thought of you not having money and about the untruth of “it taking a while to get into your situation and so then it must have to take a while to correct this”. Certainly it may have taken you a while to see how not having money realized has brought you to a situation where you don’t have money “on hand” or “in hand” to distribute to meet your obligations. I’ve already addressed how having money in hand could change at almost a moment’s notice.

I’ll remind you of a few ways. You could win a sweepstakes, you could get a raise at work, someone could pay a past obligation, take you out to eat, purchase you a car, pay your month’s rent. All of these scenarios could happen today; even if it took years to get you into this situation. Believe that it could happen. Start with being open to that possibility. By all means, don’t stop doing what you are doing for income and working at your “j.o.b.”, but simply open up to the possibilities of having more and more will come to you.


I’m now going to share with you how you can, and should, live on 50% of your “incoming”. If this frightens you, or causes your logical part of your brain to do flip-flops, that’s OK, hear me out. This and more is possible; as one of my mentors Bob Proctor always “preaches” about turning your yearly income into your monthly income. Do you think that when (not if) you make that happen, that you could then live on 50% of your income? My answer is to set up a program to live on 50% of your income first and then see the good which will happen.

I’ll first share how you should “distribute” your “incoming” and then I will speak on each. Think of starting with your 100% or for every $100 you receive.

20 to God
10 Save and INVEST
10 Self Education
  5 Recreation
  5 Past B.O.B.S.
50 Life’s Revolving Outgoing

Alright, let’s look at each of these.

TO GOD 20%

First out of every $100 which comes in to your life, as fast as you possibly can, distribute 20% to “God”; like it was a hot potato. Don’t think about it, just do it. As requests for donations, and when I see articles of places of “need” by others (remember; others have needs, you do not, you have “desires”) I place them in a file. On my designation “income day” I promptly go online and using my debit card from my financial instition, a credit union in my case, I go to their website and “donate” to their cause.

Some will tell you to give 10% to your church which you attend and anything else above this is a gift and doesn’t “count” as your first tenth; or “tithe”. I am sure to give this to a cause which “spreads” the “good of God”. You choose where you want to give, the main thing is to “give”. You surely cannot expect to get without first planting and planting good always harvests good fruit.

Why do I give 20%? I will tell you that over time I have learned to love giving so 20% is a treat for me to do on every “Income Day”. Of course I feel good about doing “good” and seeing the good which is done by these places where I donate and am glad to know that in some small way I’ve contributed to this. I will share that I also give because I expect to get back. If giving to get is considered “greedy” then talk to a farmer who plants a seed. He or she plants seeds with the expectation to receive.

Before I move on to the next distribution amount I want you to think about when you last tipped someone. There are many who do not tip, or tip poorly; and that is why they themselves remain “poor”. Tipping is another way to give and to plant for a bigger harvest. Always tip and be a big tipper! I rarely tip less than 20% and so one day I thought of how I was “cheating” God by only sharing 10%. I’ve heard of evangelists whose goal it was to give 90% and live on 10%! I was told that this is exactly what the famous business person LeTourneau did with his large land moving business. And know that a very large percentage of “rich” people give a very large portion of their remaining money after taxes away.


Do not save for a “rainy day”. When you do you’ll always have rainy days. This is not to say that you should “spend” your money fast and foolishly. I will share with you here how much to save, the thought behind it and when to distribute it.

It’s been said that everyone should have 3 months’ worth of their usual income set aside for emergencies. OK, if you believe that and believe this without any malice or remorse about money, do so. How is that working for you so far? Because people save for a rainy day, it rains and it pours.

Tell your brain that this money is not for a rainy day but that it is for investing. Open a separate account at your financial institution and title it “Investment Opportunities”. After you’ve followed this routine for a while and your investment opportunity account has reached the 3 month income level, then start placing your money into opportunities. Also, start today in researching opportunities available so you’ll impress upon your subconscious that you really are looking for opportunities and that this is what this fund is for.


The best investment is in your own education. Successful people and those moving forward to becoming more successful create their own curriculum. There is so much information which is at “no fee” (note that I did not say “Free”) such as on YouTube and you can “pay” to learn from many online educational sources. Create a separate account and keep filling it until you have the funds to purchase programs or attend live sessions (try to attend a day or weekend every 90 days). Improve yourself and you’ll improve your pocketbook or wallet.


Most people do not take vacations because they say that they “can’t afford it”. As long as they keep muttering this for their ears to hear and their mind to bring to them, they will continue not being able to afford taking the required time off which is important to achieve all the other things I’m talking about. When you don’t plan to treat yourself to pleasurable time off your subconscious knows that you don’t reward it for all the hard work it does for you and will reward you with symptoms and ailments which force you to take time off and it usually isn’t pleasurable.

Create an account titled “recreation” and feed it every “income day”. When you have enough funds for that vacation (or better yet choose a vacation destination and a date and accelerate your filling this account so you’ll get it sooner) enjoy!


I’ve shared elsewhere how you do not have bills. As long as you have “bills”, you’ll continue to have bills. What these are in reality (and that’s what you want; reality), these are “B.O.B.S.”, Buying Obligations Before Saving.

There is no way anyone can save. As it has been said, “You can’t take it with you”, when you die, it is also true that you cannot save it. Let me explain.

When you put your money in a savings account the interest received is very little. This may be good discipline, but trusting in and doing what I’m telling you to do here with living on 50% of your incoming will do that.

Money needs to circulate. (Money has needs; you do not). When I spoke earlier about “saving” I was not talking about “hoarding”; there is a difference. That is why when you are putting money in your Saving and Investing account, it is for specific distribution and will be distributed when the time comes.

Many people call this “Debt Reduction”; that’s fine. Let them “talk debt” and continue staying in the debt business. As Bob Proctor told me, “Keep talking debt and you’ll always have debt”. With only 5%, over time you’ll take care of your past B.O.B.S. and by following this “Living on 50% of your incoming” system, this account will soon be one of the accounts you’ll be using less and less. Trust that you will clean up all of these obligations and overtime and that since you are not creating new “Past B.O.B.S.”, you will soon be out of the “mess” we started talked about earlier.  


Finally we come to what are your day to day “outgoing” obligations. You may need to “downsize” temporarily to live on 50% but I enthusiastically encourage you to take steps now to get started to do so. You may need to alter the percentages in each category and apply more monies to others but you should set a time, perhaps 6 months out, when you’ll be using the percentages I am suggesting. The one area I would try to keep as is is the “To God” category because with more, He will do more. Even if you are not particularly “religious”, this is a law of sowing and reaping.

Imagine. In just 6 months, with following this “Living on 50% of Incoming” you’ll soon see your past B.O.B.S. go away and you’ll have so much incoming and outgoing that you’ll be as healthy (wealthy and wise) well flowing stream of clean pure water.  

Please don’t forget to leave your comments below. If you have questions about any of this, I welcome those as well.  

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