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Do you deserve more money in your life?

Do you deserve more money in your life? The answer is of course “yes” however sometimes you may not be acting that way. Are you taking care of what you already have with the respect that it deserves so the Universe will give you more?

How does your home look? Is it messy or well kept? Is your desk organized? Is your vehicle clean inside and out and what does the trunk look like?

Recently as I was reading again in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind I read how we do live in a kind and loving Universe with its rule of “Until we show that we can handle what we currently have, we won’t get any more”. T. Harv Eker shares a story of someone buying an ice cream cone for a child and immediately upon leaving the store the one scoop of ice cream falls from the cone. You return to the store and the child sees a picture or a 3 scoop cone and asks for that. The adult then considers that with the child not being able to handle a single scoop well, that the 3 scoop should be left for a day in the future. You get the idea; the same holds true for adults wanting more.

When you are dealing with what you have already in your hands, I want to explain the difference between saving, holding and hoarding.

First know that you cannot save. I can almost hear some readers saying, “How did he know?” But the habit of saving and putting money in a so called savings account is not what I’m talking about. Just as you “cannot take it with you”, you cannot “save” it either. Money loses value everyday with inflation. Putting it in an account is great in learning discipline but know that doing this only, is not the real answer.

Money has to “flow” like water. It needs to circulate. So “hoarding” money is not the answer. You should “hold” money in and account for a specific reason. These accounts should be considered “holding” accounts until you have an amount which is enough to use for an investment. So from here out, do not “save” and do not “hoard” money. Invest it.

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