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An Introduction to Your Destiny

To know your destiny is to know your direction; it’s like a compass and though you may sometimes veer off your true life’s path, you will make corrections easier and decisions which match your goal to reach your destination.

I sincerely wish that I knew my destiny much earlier in life. It would have saved me time, hassles and hurt to myself and others. But I no longer “beat myself up” about my past because I believe as Louise Hay, “I did the best that I knew how” at the time.

I thought that others knew my destiny or what I was meant to do. Certainly I had talents, choices and urges but I thought I needed guidance from others for proper direction. While it is great to have good counsel, I learned that ultimately the decisions and choices lied with me; actually within me.

Wanting to please God, I sought to find what His will was for my life. No one could tell me. The “Good Book” offered instruction on how to live and walk my life path, but did not clearly point the way; at least for me, specifically.

Through experience and time I learned that I, and we all, have specific a destiny and it is easier to find than I made it out to be, because it is within us.

Life’s formulas are few and they are simple. They are not “easy” but they are simple and these few formulas can apply to most all of our “situations” which occur along our destiny path. I don’t know how many of these “formulas” exist but they are few.

This might not be so much a formula as it is a “truth”; an undeniable fact which when we recognize, know and understand and then apply, our life becomes more clear. This truth is all around us, evidenced in nature which we see every day but we fail to see it along our way. When we hear the word “vision” we normally think of “vision for the future” and that is part of it.

Vision is seeing what is in front of us which will lead us 
to the completion of our future vision.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

The only thing worse than being blind 

is having sight but no vision. 

Helen Keller

We see the giant oak trees or the other giant sequoias and we miss the secret truth which made them that size. They reach only to a certain point reaching just so far into the sky and are satisfied to stop at a specific height. The secret is in the acorn or seed. As Denis Waitley told us, we all have Seeds of Greatness within us. Bob Proctor, another mentor of mind, tells us that “The Oak tree is in the acorn”.  

You and I are like acorns. We do not need anyone else to tell us that we need to become an oak tree; that answer is inside us. That answer is our destiny. When the acorn vibrates at the same frequency as to where and how it needs, it grows. When yours and my vibrations match the frequency of our destiny, we grow.

When we have inclinations and what seems a “natural” bent toward art, math or science, that is our destiny! Sadly we put off what our heart tells us that we love for an avocation which pays the bills but doesn’t feed our souls or heal our ills. When we have clarity of what our destiny is, then we must trust that we can make our livelihood from it, live our destiny, and bless others as we were meant to do.

In Destiny Moves, I will share how to determine your destiny and how to use daily exercises to stay on track and continually make the needed corrections to live your own giant potential and reach as far into the sky as you are meant to reach. It isn’t really hard as you will “go with the flow” which is your flow. The acorn has its struggles as it pokes through the soil, but it knows that this is what it is meant to do and it “goes with the flow”. Knowing its purpose and its “why” makes the growing tolerable when the soil is hard and the wind and rain try pounding it back into the ground. Because its purpose is innate, it just continues and appreciates the sun even more. That will be the same with you as you “move” with your destiny.

In this course I will use my own format of first determining our desire, meditating, affirming and declaring with each exercise as your assignment. These “assignments” are to be done on a daily basis. Depending on your familiarity with this type of teaching and practice you may or may not want to do them; that is natural. You may think they are silly, or that they won’t work. That would be incorrect however because they have; for thousands of years (I’m sure not in the exact way in which I present them of course). That is your “logical” part of your brain telling you this and this part of your brain has been the culprit in keeping people from their true destiny for ages. I’m always reminded of a Biblical story when my logical mind starts to tell me things like, “This won’t work, this isn’t working, or that it won’t work for me”.

A man named Naaman wanted to be cured of his leprosy. He was no doubt living his destiny because he had favor with his master and as a great soldier he had just won a great battle. Going through many channels he finally was connected with Elisha, a prophet. Elisha didn’t even see him in person, he sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”  And his “logical mind” was getting in the way of his results. But his servants approached him and said, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, ‘Wash and be cleansed’?” So Naaman quit listening to his logical mind, went with the “flow” and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, according to the word of Elisha, and his flesh was restored and became like that of a little child, and he was clean.

You may have read or heard the story of Elisha and Naaman and I hope you remember it when I present new assignments. Also note the significance of the number seven; you’ll see that in the exercises as well.

I will also include an easy but effective meditation technique I learned from one of my mentors, Brendon Burchard at the very end of this course. You can use it during the transitions of your day to give you energy, refresh each new segment of your day and enforce your intention keeping you on track with Destiny Moves.

Now let’s get to your Destiny Moves.

Dear Reader,

It was no accident that you found this and read it. Please follow these steps for at least seven days and then return and report your results in the comments below so you’ll not only help others but in return you’ll help yourself by “cementing” your reality.

I am very aware that when these articles are offered to people to read, few do. They say things like “I’ll get to it” and getting to “it” never happens. Some will read but for some reason or excuse they do not do the exercises. To these people it is like buying a book and putting it on the shelf. But for those few who read this and act on the exercises, they are the few who “win” in life. You’ve seen these people. They are the ones who others say that they live a charmed life, or that they have it all. Destiny Moves is all about being able to live that charmed life, have it all and still have balance with abundance. I encourage you to start this moment and then place this action on tomorrow morning’s action list and then slowly do what it takes to make this a routine. Doing it now, is the only way you’ll move forward with what you’ve read.

  • When you do the “assignment” I believe you realize what others think are “miracles”. Tell me (and others) about them in the comment area below.
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