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Do this on Saturday and every Saturday going forward...

This is a continuation of my "Destiny Moves" series. Please see how you can get the book at a greatly reduced price before it is available to the general public using the details at the end of this article.

I don't believe we can "change" the destiny of others 
but we can help to reveal it and encourage others 
to live their destiny which is lying dormant. 
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

We've covered what to do from Sunday and through the week. We now come to Saturday and how you can live every Saturday from this point on in such a way that you'll not only become a better you, but your world will become better too. 

You’ve just finished your “business week” of Monday through Friday and tomorrow will start another week.

In your meditative state, think of how to live with high morals showing kindness and charity.
Say out loud, “Today and every day I strive to conduct my life with high morals and ethically knowing that the cosmic laws of balance and harmony will be the result. I give to all my joy, encouragement and praise so that in return I receive friendship, love and much happiness.  I strive to perfect my personality as much as I possibly can and achieve my ideal potential in all areas of my living”.

Now while you are in meditation, ask who you should bless today? Who needs a blessing? Who have you “forgotten”? Write any and all names down.

For this exercise you’ll want to keep some all occasion cards; those without any content inside the card, just an attractive cover and write 3 things you appreciate about someone. Perhaps this is someone who comes to mind during your meditation this morning. Do this for three people so you are sending three cards (via snail mail) each Friday. This should not be a difficult thing. You’ll only write down three things on three note cards and send to three people. Any more becomes taxing and you’ll remember that you’ll be doing this again next week so you’ll take care of the other names you’ve written next week and when you come to them. You should feel joy when you write these notes, and when you are sealing the envelope, placing the stamp on each and mailing them. Send them with a special blessing as you drop them in the mailbox with great expectations of great things to come.

The reason why you should use three qualities to share with each of three people is because there is power in the number three. Also, you don’t want to “spend all day” on this. I like to use the same three things each time as well. I have them listed in the excel file so I can easitly read them and write them, by hand on each card. You can come up with your own three but I use three from what I got from Joel Osteen’s book, Become a Better You; always choosing any two of the first four on the list and ending with the last, “Your best days are in front of you”.

You are creative.
You are talented.
You are valuable.
You have a bright future.
Your best days are in front of you.

Then sign off with your love, blessings and your name.

What a wonderful gift you’ve just given to these three people. 

And make no mistake, because their names came to you during your meditation, they were meant to receive this. You may never know the power and blessing in what you’ve done for that person but if it is revealed, I believe you may be humbled to tears t have been used in such a mighty way.

I do have a special request of you. 

The first time you do this, be sure to include a card with a message to you as one of the three initial cards you send. You may “forget” you’ve done this and it will be a surprise when you receive it and open it to read the words you wrote to yourself in your own handwriting. In the future, write to yourself periodically and live the wonder of your words.

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.

Ter Scott is available to speak at your next event, and even via online! Use the contact information on this page to request details.

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