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Replace Wednesday's "Hump Day" with "My Expecting Day" and then expect "Good"! Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™


For this exercise will require your yellow note pad, 3 x 5 card and a pen.

Before we start, what do you “expect” in each area of the Major 8™?
Health ___________________________________
Food ___________________________________
Rest ___________________________________
Money ___________________________________
Life & Legacy ___________________________________
Sex ___________________________________
Wellbeing of Family and Friends ___________________________________
Feeling of Importance and Respect ___________________________________

Choose one of the above which is most urgent or pressing which you desire a faster result. Write it down.  ___________________________________

Now list three possible “channels” in which it could materialize from.

Now think of an image which would be your image of pleasant experiences and positive good.

Today, and every Wednesday, you’ll work on “expectancy”. 

We get what we expect so we must control our thoughts and not have our thoughts control us. I read recently in T. Harv Eker’s book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, how we control our thoughts; or we should. He further explains how “we are not our mind”. We are much bigger and greater than our mind alone. Our mind is simply a part of us just like our hand is. We must control our minds just as we control our hand. Think for a moment if your right hand which you are looking at right now was as “scattered” and “uncontrolled” as your thoughts sometimes are. That’s an interesting thought and visual, isn’t it? As Harv relates, we must only entertain thoughts which are empowering; not dis-empowering. When a non-supportive thought rises up in your mind, he likes to say (out loud) “Cancel” or “Thank you for sharing “and replace* it with a more empowering thought. I like to say verbally, “Cancel; cancel”; whatever you choose to use is fine, just be sure to “cancel” and “delete” these thoughts and replace them with the empowering thought which will propel you to the future you seek.  Know a specific affirmation and have it at ready to use for these occasions.

*Note that thoughts must be handled as we do with habits. We don’t “change” them so much as we “replace” them.

To learn more about what the mind really is and how it works and how you are “not” your mind, I suggest that you study the teachings of Bob Proctor. I believe that when we are “talking internally”; to “our self” that it isn’t our mind talking that it is our “soul” talking. The part which is a segment of the collective mind and that is why we “feel” each other’s joys and pains. It isn’t our mind talking. Our mind will come up with thoughts and we can tell it to be quiet or speak. This is I’ll leave the “study of the mind” for a later time but for now, trust me. You are not your mind.

The hand is the tool of our body
which we use to handle things,
and our mind is the part of the body
that we use to be mindful of things;
both are parts of our body.

Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

We can use our mind to “expect” the things we desire or we can let it give us things in an uncontrolled, haphazardly way. The reason our life is “out of control”, disorganized and haphazard, is due to our not training and taming our mind; it is our own fault and not our mind. Our thoughts are “things” and they materialize in the form of what we think about and how we think.
“Thoughts become things.
If you see it in your mind,
you will hold it in your hand.”
― Bob Proctor, You Were Born Rich

“What we think about comes about.”
Mark Victor Hansen

For this, your Wednesday session, use the exercise we’ve discussed to get into your meditative state. Breathe, relax and be totally focused on peace, being still and all that you now know to do.

When you are in this state, do the following.

Meditate on the “good” which you “expect” in your life. You may want to do a mental “walk- through of the Major 8™ and determine the “good” you desire in all eight areas. I find this helpful for myself and my clients.

Don’t be concerned or think about how these will happen, except to be expectant in receiving good things from many channels; or resources but don’t choose these channels or sources. Just know that money for instance, could come via a bonus from your job, or a best friend who wants to be blessed by giving you a gift. Note that you receive from many “channels”; not many “sources”. There is only one source which is God and He uses many channels and “vessels” to get your desired “good” to you.

When you see a “negative” (“not having your desire or desired) situation, see it as leading to your “good” (“having your desire or desired) situation. Behind the next door is my “good”, over the next hill is my “good” and just around the next bend, is my “good”! All roads lead to my “good”.

So today, while you are in your meditation, with a clear and calm mind, say the following.

Today I meditate on the good which is mine and I sincerely and genuinely expect it to become reality in my outer life. I know that my situation regardless of it being negative or positive that I control my thoughts and I either think good or I cancel dis-empowering thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts of what I want to manifest in my life. Everything in my life leads to me being more, doing more and having more; more of what I desire is exactly what I expect. I now mold my mind with the image of pleasant experiences and positive good for myself, my world and those around me.

Spend some time being open to hearing your thoughts tell you things you can do or not do to move forward. Trust that you will remember them to later write on your yellow pad or open your eyes momentarily in this dreamlike state and jot a few notes and close your eyes to return to your meditation. (This is the way song lyrics come to you and ideas for inventions and other income producing thoughts). 

Be comfortable here and think about your day, tomorrow and the week. Remember that as you thoughts present to you negative situations or outcomes, say “Cancel, cancel” and replace them with what it is that you desire … and expect!

Immediately upon opening your eyes, jot down a few notes on your yellow pad and on a 3 x 5 card. On the following Wednesday be sure to bring both to your session and look at your notes prior to going into your meditation.

Dear Reader,

It was no accident that you found this and read it. Please follow these steps for at least seven days and then return and report your results in the comments below so you’ll not only help others but in return you’ll help yourself by “cementing” your reality.

I am very aware that when these articles are offered to people to read, few do. They say things like “I’ll get to it” and getting to “it” never happens. Some will read but for some reason or excuse they do not do the exercises. To these people it is like buying a book and putting it on the shelf. But for those few who read this and act on the exercises, they are the few who “win” in life. You’ve seen these people. They are the ones who others say that they live a charmed life, or that they have it all. Destiny Moves is all about being able to live that charmed life, have it all and still have balance with abundance. I encourage you to start this moment and then place this action on tomorrow morning’s action list and then slowly do what it takes to make this a routine. Doing it now, is the only way you’ll move forward with what you’ve read. I believe you will realize what others think are “miracles”. Tell me about those miracles in the comment area below.

Also, consider registering for my coaching sessions. Request details using the contact form on this page.

Tony Robbins' and Dean Graziosi's "The power of self education" is good enough for my own daughters.

Here's a text I sent to both of my daughters. (If this is good enough to share with my own kids, you know I believe in it).
(Daughter's Name), this is a video (replay) by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi (I've met and worked with). It's a couple hours long but I think you might like it. They do offer a course at the end but you don't have to concern yourself with that. I just believe this has great information you can use. Love you. Dad 

If you are a professional who wants to scale your impact and grow it, watch this.


I woke up with your success on my mind.

I just woke up this morning and realized that my friend Dean's "as big as the planet" online event...

with Tony Robbins is about to begin and I haven't told enough people about it yet. 

Included this year is the the awesome Russell Brunson who helped Thousands Of Everyday People Start, Grow, And Scale Their Expertise And Business and also...

the "brain" Jenna Kutcher who is the Expert At Online Marketing, she is A Nerd When It Comes To The Numbers, And Is Obsessed With Teaching Others How to Make A Living Doing What They Love Without It Taking Over their Life.

LIVE FEBRUARY 27th 2020 - 5:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM EST
Join Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi LIVE As They Pull Back the Curtain And Reveal The "One Thing" That Has Allowed Them To Create Massive Success In Their Lives & How You Could Use this Same Model to Create NEXT LEVEL Success in Yours!

** Reserve Your Seat Now For The FREE Online Training On February 27th At 5:00 PM PST! Last Year Over 200,000 People Joined Live. Don't Miss Your Only Opportunity Of 2020!

What You'll Learn On This FREE Live Training Event:

1. How to fulfill your deepest desires and finally do something meaningful in your life, unlock your full potential and at the same time create next level success and abundance. 

2. Learn the "behind-the-scenes" secret that both Tony and Dean equate to be the #1 strategy they've used to create the most success in their lives. (they are pulling the curtain back)

3. Learn Tony and Dean's unique "3 bucket" approach to make sure you finish what you start & follow through until the end so you're not left behind in today's fast-paced economy.

4. The blueprint that already has over 24,000 people in 150 countries using the KBB method to tap into their full potential and create their dream career and life.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (before all the invites are used up). 

Make it a great day! Ter Scott

And oh, here is that link where you can get Dean's book for free (Tell him Ter Scott sent you). 

CLICK HERE (I don't get a cent for letting you know about this book, but I'm "paying it forward" because of all Dean has done for me and others). 

Learn from my mentor, Tony Robbins for Free. Here's how; seating limited.

Who is your mentor? We all have mentors and one of mine is Tony Robbins. 

Tony Robbins Has Positively Impacted More Lives Than Most Any Person In History. He's One Of The World's Most Sought After Success Coaches And Educators And You Get The VERY RARE Opportunity To Learn From Him For FREE!

LIVE FEBRUARY 27th 2020 - 5:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM EST
Join Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi LIVE As They Pull Back the Curtain And Reveal The "One Thing" That Has Allowed Them To Create Massive Success In Their Lives & How You Could Use this Same Model to Create NEXT LEVEL Success in Yours!
** Reserve Your Seat Now For The FREE Online Training On February 27th At 5:00 PM PST! Last Year Over 200,000 People Joined Live. Don't Miss Your Only Opportunity Of 2020!


It's Ter Scott's Birthday

Today is the "celebration" of my first birthday; I don't mean that I am "one year old" even though some may think that I act like it. We all have one birthday and all the others; like today for me, are "celebrations". Second birthdays are experienced by those who are "born again" like my friend Nicodemus asked about.

What I want to share with my family and friends which is significant about today is that I woke up this morning (that was a gift) and with all the hustle and bustle of life going on around me I realized, "Oh that's right, today is my birthday!" (It really did "sneak" up on me).

I then thanked God for what I call the Major 8 in life, and realized too that everything, even my breathing in and out, everything which happens to me today I will consider them all as gifts.

One of those things I consider the most precious are your good thoughts and best wishes. For that, again I am grateful.

Thanks so much for honoring me by visiting here from time to time, reading my thoughts, and sharing and using them as best fits you.

Terry Scott Life & Legacy Coach

Being excited about how you'll help others tomorrow gets you to living better today.

Hello dear reader! I'm not sure what week this 52 Weeks to a Better You is because I'm away from my office computer so I'll edit that part later. I did want you to have something to start this week off to give you an assignment which will improve you when you first improve someone else. Now, don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that you should go about "changing" anyone else; you change others only by changing yourself. The change that you'll bring in others this week is through offering them "better service", "better attention" and "better everything" that comes from a "better you". 

Here goes. 

Being excited about how 
you'll help others tomorrow
gets you to living better today.

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

And the best way to get excited is to get our minds off ourselves and what it is that we want, and “need” and get our minds on how to give to others what they want and “need”. (I put the word “need” in parenthesis because no one truly “needs” anything; maybe food, water and shelter but beyond those three things which most of us reading this already have, we don’t need anything. You can read my other materials where I address words like “need” for a better understanding of what I’m getting at).

Regardless whether you work for yourself, someone else or even if you are retired, this week you will interact with others and when you prepare the week with some planning and visualization as to what you might expect to realize when doing all of this interaction with the consideration of what these others may be searching for, your path will become smoother and your pocketbook a bit heavier.

In selling anything, for example, we merely find out what others want and then we find ways to get it to them and in the transaction we make a profit. This profit may be in the way of money, but we will also find profitable relationships as well.

Most people’s lives have some routine to them and a regular cast of characters so run through tomorrow’s routine and cast, or at least part of it and ask what this person or these people are seeking. What about your regular customers or the type of customer you serve, how can you serve them better? How can you raise the value you give which in turn raises your value to them? How can you change your usual “ordinary” into the uncommon “extraordinary”?  Who will you make it an effort to inspire this week? How will you make a difference? And how will you, as I like to say, “Live a life and leave a legacy”?

This week’s assignment is being specific with the above. Let’s start with doing this for just one day and with just one person. As you become better at this, you can do this for more days and a larger “cast”.

Choose just one day; perhaps tomorrow, Monday.
I will conduct this assignment on ____________________.

Choose just one person; it can be a regular from your daily cast of characters or if you are in sales for instance, it may be someone you haven’t yet met, but you’ve met this “type” of cast member before so you have an idea of what he or she is like and what their “wants” are.
The person I will concentrate my doing good for is ____________________. (Please don’t misunderstand, you are not “changing” anyone, you are changing you by improving “you” in offering better service, and more.

Now fill in the blanks as best as you can for now. Take some time on this and really enjoy it. How would you like to be treated if you were this person? Get in the mind and life of this person and think of how this person might be searching for what it is that you can offer and will offer by way of “over the top” service.

I once stayed at a hotel which was absolutely miserable. I flew to the location (about 10 hours with delays), rented a car (which had a SNAFU), and I checked in late at night (and the hotel screwed things up); it wasn’t my day for sure. And the place was miserable. But I stayed there for a whole week because I was training from sun up to sun down and I thought that I didn’t really have the time to explore other places and that every place looks the same with the lights off. To top off the week, I left a nice pair of slacks hanging in the closet (I guess I was in somewhat of a rush to leave there). Here is where the hotel management could have redeemed their poorly run place (at least partly). If they were going through this exercise which you are doing now, they may have thought of this. Since they had my address and phone number, they certainly could have shipped my slacks to me with a thank you note. I would love to live vicariously as the owner of every business in America but the closest thing to doing this is to be a coach to wonderful readers like you.

How can I and how will I serve this person better?

How can I raise my value to this person?

How can I and how will I serve this person in an “extra” special way; going above and beyond the usual?(If you are employed, I would suggest that you do something which I learned from Zig Ziglar, “Do more than what you are paid and you’ll soon be paid more for what you do”. Remember, you don’t “do” this for your employer; you “do” this for “You”. “You” is always watching and “You” will improve yourself right out of that position into a better one).

How will you “inspire” this person?

How will you “make a difference”?

When you take some serious time in answering these questions, seriously carry them out you’ll see some serious and positive changes in your life, in your pocketbook and in all areas of your “Major 8™”.

Can you see how having a plan such as this can create some anticipation and excitement in starting your week? I truly trust that it will. If you think so, before starting your week put a “Heck yeah” in the comment section below.

For those who complete this “assignment” you can essentially receive my coaching at “no fee”. 

Simply place your questions and comments in the box after this article and I will reply shortly. If you would like details on personal one on one coaching, use the Contact Form on this page.

Unhappy about where you are working? If you think you might like calling on your local small business owners and sharing the story of NFIB, this might be for you. When you visit the site, and speak with HR please let them know you were referred by 3A687. 

A mentor's shocking announcement for February 2020

Be sure to "Follow by Email" so you won't miss it! 

Do you deserve more money in your life?

Do you deserve more money in your life? The answer is of course “yes” however sometimes you may not be acting that way. Are you taking care of what you already have with the respect that it deserves so the Universe will give you more?

How does your home look? Is it messy or well kept? Is your desk organized? Is your vehicle clean inside and out and what does the trunk look like?

Recently as I was reading again in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind I read how we do live in a kind and loving Universe with its rule of “Until we show that we can handle what we currently have, we won’t get any more”. T. Harv Eker shares a story of someone buying an ice cream cone for a child and immediately upon leaving the store the one scoop of ice cream falls from the cone. You return to the store and the child sees a picture or a 3 scoop cone and asks for that. The adult then considers that with the child not being able to handle a single scoop well, that the 3 scoop should be left for a day in the future. You get the idea; the same holds true for adults wanting more.

When you are dealing with what you have already in your hands, I want to explain the difference between saving, holding and hoarding.

First know that you cannot save. I can almost hear some readers saying, “How did he know?” But the habit of saving and putting money in a so called savings account is not what I’m talking about. Just as you “cannot take it with you”, you cannot “save” it either. Money loses value everyday with inflation. Putting it in an account is great in learning discipline but know that doing this only, is not the real answer.

Money has to “flow” like water. It needs to circulate. So “hoarding” money is not the answer. You should “hold” money in and account for a specific reason. These accounts should be considered “holding” accounts until you have an amount which is enough to use for an investment. So from here out, do not “save” and do not “hoard” money. Invest it.

How to Live on 50% of your Incoming.

Our “wrong” beliefs can block our “incoming monies” because we’ve heard and repeated like good parrots similar things such as “It took you awhile to get into this mess and so it will take you awhile to get out of it”, we think that indeed it will take more time. And equally devastating is that we don’t know “how much time” or we don’t take the necessary action to create our own time table to see it accomplished.

If your “mess” has to do with not “realizing” money or having money in your hand for your distribution desires, I will show you how to have a “mess of money”! Money is all around you; it is as common as the air you are breathing right now. Look around you. The banks in your town have money. Businesses on Main Street have money. The person who has a successful home business has money. Money is all around you; you have not just accepted it yet. You’ve not accepted this in your mind where your thoughts rule your reality and you’ve not accepted this by simply doing what steps it takes to reach out and receive it.

One thing you must learn is that you have much disbelief about money and how to realize it. Here I am combating the thought of you not having money and about the untruth of “it taking a while to get into your situation and so then it must have to take a while to correct this”. Certainly it may have taken you a while to see how not having money realized has brought you to a situation where you don’t have money “on hand” or “in hand” to distribute to meet your obligations. I’ve already addressed how having money in hand could change at almost a moment’s notice.

I’ll remind you of a few ways. You could win a sweepstakes, you could get a raise at work, someone could pay a past obligation, take you out to eat, purchase you a car, pay your month’s rent. All of these scenarios could happen today; even if it took years to get you into this situation. Believe that it could happen. Start with being open to that possibility. By all means, don’t stop doing what you are doing for income and working at your “j.o.b.”, but simply open up to the possibilities of having more and more will come to you.


I’m now going to share with you how you can, and should, live on 50% of your “incoming”. If this frightens you, or causes your logical part of your brain to do flip-flops, that’s OK, hear me out. This and more is possible; as one of my mentors Bob Proctor always “preaches” about turning your yearly income into your monthly income. Do you think that when (not if) you make that happen, that you could then live on 50% of your income? My answer is to set up a program to live on 50% of your income first and then see the good which will happen.

I’ll first share how you should “distribute” your “incoming” and then I will speak on each. Think of starting with your 100% or for every $100 you receive.

20 to God
10 Save and INVEST
10 Self Education
  5 Recreation
  5 Past B.O.B.S.
50 Life’s Revolving Outgoing

Alright, let’s look at each of these.

TO GOD 20%

First out of every $100 which comes in to your life, as fast as you possibly can, distribute 20% to “God”; like it was a hot potato. Don’t think about it, just do it. As requests for donations, and when I see articles of places of “need” by others (remember; others have needs, you do not, you have “desires”) I place them in a file. On my designation “income day” I promptly go online and using my debit card from my financial instition, a credit union in my case, I go to their website and “donate” to their cause.

Some will tell you to give 10% to your church which you attend and anything else above this is a gift and doesn’t “count” as your first tenth; or “tithe”. I am sure to give this to a cause which “spreads” the “good of God”. You choose where you want to give, the main thing is to “give”. You surely cannot expect to get without first planting and planting good always harvests good fruit.

Why do I give 20%? I will tell you that over time I have learned to love giving so 20% is a treat for me to do on every “Income Day”. Of course I feel good about doing “good” and seeing the good which is done by these places where I donate and am glad to know that in some small way I’ve contributed to this. I will share that I also give because I expect to get back. If giving to get is considered “greedy” then talk to a farmer who plants a seed. He or she plants seeds with the expectation to receive.

Before I move on to the next distribution amount I want you to think about when you last tipped someone. There are many who do not tip, or tip poorly; and that is why they themselves remain “poor”. Tipping is another way to give and to plant for a bigger harvest. Always tip and be a big tipper! I rarely tip less than 20% and so one day I thought of how I was “cheating” God by only sharing 10%. I’ve heard of evangelists whose goal it was to give 90% and live on 10%! I was told that this is exactly what the famous business person LeTourneau did with his large land moving business. And know that a very large percentage of “rich” people give a very large portion of their remaining money after taxes away.


Do not save for a “rainy day”. When you do you’ll always have rainy days. This is not to say that you should “spend” your money fast and foolishly. I will share with you here how much to save, the thought behind it and when to distribute it.

It’s been said that everyone should have 3 months’ worth of their usual income set aside for emergencies. OK, if you believe that and believe this without any malice or remorse about money, do so. How is that working for you so far? Because people save for a rainy day, it rains and it pours.

Tell your brain that this money is not for a rainy day but that it is for investing. Open a separate account at your financial institution and title it “Investment Opportunities”. After you’ve followed this routine for a while and your investment opportunity account has reached the 3 month income level, then start placing your money into opportunities. Also, start today in researching opportunities available so you’ll impress upon your subconscious that you really are looking for opportunities and that this is what this fund is for.


The best investment is in your own education. Successful people and those moving forward to becoming more successful create their own curriculum. There is so much information which is at “no fee” (note that I did not say “Free”) such as on YouTube and you can “pay” to learn from many online educational sources. Create a separate account and keep filling it until you have the funds to purchase programs or attend live sessions (try to attend a day or weekend every 90 days). Improve yourself and you’ll improve your pocketbook or wallet.


Most people do not take vacations because they say that they “can’t afford it”. As long as they keep muttering this for their ears to hear and their mind to bring to them, they will continue not being able to afford taking the required time off which is important to achieve all the other things I’m talking about. When you don’t plan to treat yourself to pleasurable time off your subconscious knows that you don’t reward it for all the hard work it does for you and will reward you with symptoms and ailments which force you to take time off and it usually isn’t pleasurable.

Create an account titled “recreation” and feed it every “income day”. When you have enough funds for that vacation (or better yet choose a vacation destination and a date and accelerate your filling this account so you’ll get it sooner) enjoy!


I’ve shared elsewhere how you do not have bills. As long as you have “bills”, you’ll continue to have bills. What these are in reality (and that’s what you want; reality), these are “B.O.B.S.”, Buying Obligations Before Saving.

There is no way anyone can save. As it has been said, “You can’t take it with you”, when you die, it is also true that you cannot save it. Let me explain.

When you put your money in a savings account the interest received is very little. This may be good discipline, but trusting in and doing what I’m telling you to do here with living on 50% of your incoming will do that.

Money needs to circulate. (Money has needs; you do not). When I spoke earlier about “saving” I was not talking about “hoarding”; there is a difference. That is why when you are putting money in your Saving and Investing account, it is for specific distribution and will be distributed when the time comes.

Many people call this “Debt Reduction”; that’s fine. Let them “talk debt” and continue staying in the debt business. As Bob Proctor told me, “Keep talking debt and you’ll always have debt”. With only 5%, over time you’ll take care of your past B.O.B.S. and by following this “Living on 50% of your incoming” system, this account will soon be one of the accounts you’ll be using less and less. Trust that you will clean up all of these obligations and overtime and that since you are not creating new “Past B.O.B.S.”, you will soon be out of the “mess” we started talked about earlier.  


Finally we come to what are your day to day “outgoing” obligations. You may need to “downsize” temporarily to live on 50% but I enthusiastically encourage you to take steps now to get started to do so. You may need to alter the percentages in each category and apply more monies to others but you should set a time, perhaps 6 months out, when you’ll be using the percentages I am suggesting. The one area I would try to keep as is is the “To God” category because with more, He will do more. Even if you are not particularly “religious”, this is a law of sowing and reaping.

Imagine. In just 6 months, with following this “Living on 50% of Incoming” you’ll soon see your past B.O.B.S. go away and you’ll have so much incoming and outgoing that you’ll be as healthy (wealthy and wise) well flowing stream of clean pure water.  

Please don’t forget to leave your comments below. If you have questions about any of this, I welcome those as well.  


Wisdom calls out.
I love wisdom; wisdom loves me.
I seek wisdom and wisdom finds me.
With wisdom are riches and honor,
enduring wealth and prosperity.

Wisdom’s fruit is better than fine gold,
and her yield surpasses choice silver.

There’s an old TV commercial cartoon about Oscar Meyer hot dogs where a kid sings, “I'd love to be an Oscar Meyer wiener, that is what I truly want to be. 'Cuz if I were an Oscar Meyer wiener, everyone would be in love with me”. Well after you read this I trust that you’ll want to love wisdom so wisdom can be in love with you.

Every morning, almost without exception, I read one chapter from the book of Proverbs. Chapter 8 is one of my very favorites. I’ve taken a section and tweaked it to become an affirmtation which I can declare every morning to set my day right. I’m not changing any jot to tittle but personalizing it so both I and you if you are so inclined to use it to bless you, your day and others.

First of all, God created Wisdom as He is the originator of all. God loves you and me and so does the Wisdom which God created. Is it any wonder that wisdom calls out, just as God does? So I declare without any hesitation the truth that I love wisdom and wisdom loves me; it’s a great truth and a great way not only to start your day, but to start each moment and each breath knowing this truth; and confessing it.

And what great assurance it is to know that I seek wisdom that wisdom finds me (and you)! One of my mentors, Bob Proctor shares how that “what we are seeking is seeking us” and that definitely is the case with wisdom. But isn’t it great to know that wisdom, without exception finds us; that is when we seek it?

So many people seek wealth and riches and here is proof that God wants you to be as wealthy and rich as He can make you. God has all the riches, he has it all and I believe that to not do all you can to have all you can is a sin (separation from God). God made everything, He made all the riches which are available abundantly and He made wisdom which, when we seek it seeks us and brings with it not only riches but honor, enduring wealth and prosperity!

This is not me or anyone else saying this; this is what Proverbs says about wisdom and I’m all about becoming wiser, how about you?

Note too that wealth and prosperity are two different things. (You may want to run to your online dictionary and read the definition of both. It will not only be educational but will, I believe, set your course on living more wealthy and prosperously!

Sometimes when people read the last sentence, they think this voids everything which came before it, but it actually amplifies it. “Wisdom’s fruit is better than fine gold, and her yield surpasses choice silver” does not mean that you should seek wisdom because it is better than gold or silver and that you should not seek gold or silver.

First, note the word “fruit”. Fruit is the result of actions and wisdom’s actions and your actions or inactions of using wisdom bears fruit; good or poor. You should do what you must do to attain gold and silver because by doing so you will help others and one of the best ways to attain gold and silver (and help others) is to seek wisdom. And when you seek wisdom, wisdom seeks (and finds) you and you’ll not only have gold but “fine” gold and not only silver but what surpasses “choice” silver.

Wow, get all excited and go tell everybody (as the old gospel song goes). It doesn’t get better than that. I truly love wisdom and wisdom loves me!