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Are Sunday nights for Whining about working the next day, or for planning for an awesome week? One mentor explains.

Sunday nights start with Sunday morning and getting that right, gets your night right. Still, so many people dread Sunday nights because it is the prelude to going to work the next day at a job they don't want to be at. 
To that, I have to ask, "Whose fault is that"? 

Sundays are for me a time to set aside, relax and revel in the glory of God. Don’t boo-hoo it until you’ve tried it. As a kid, many stores were closed on Sundays and families would visit each other and cousins got to know each other. Sunday dinners were a pretty big deal and when my kids were growing up my Sunday afternoons after eating what may have been the most celebrated meal of the week after getting home from church, I would watch an old Roy Rogers black and white movie and take a nap.

Some things remain consistent over all these years; I still take a nap. And then I’m up preparing and designing my week. In a person’s heart, he and she plan their week but the Lord directs their steps, and for that I’m thankful. I just write things down on a “week at a glance” type of calendar and then place a few tasks within the box for that time on the appropriate day of the week page. This helps me to “see” what is coming up. As the days continue, I check off things completed and add more things which I continue to schedule for the week and into the next week.

It’s been said that “If you don’t control your time, someone else will” and that is especially true for those who punch someone else’s time clock. Work is important and working for someone else has its merits for the worker, the employer, and society. But if you find yourself whining on Sunday nights you might want to consider planning your week which will create your productivity to your employer, and you’ll eventually become bigger than your position. You may then find yourself planning for bigger things working for a bigger person or being that bigger person and planning more of your own week. Either way, you’ll become better and come to enjoy Sunday nights as a creative time to be able to watch your week unfold more in the way you envision it. 

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