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I trained inspiration to find me at that studio!

I'm asked how I and the Cosmos conspire to bring daily wisdom to our readers at: Answers From Cosmos ( Here's a bit of insight as to how our morning coffees are like. 

Murdock: You don't seem to understand! I need my studio! I trained inspiration to find me at that studio! Now, how is it going to find me? (A Team; TV show). 

I take inspiration from wherever it finds me; as I’ve already mentioned that I pull ideas from the past and present. In the movie, The Secret we’re told that what we resist persists and recently while listening to Rev. Ike I heard him say that when we “fight” the Devil, we “ignite” the Devil. So, in combining the two thoughts which really are one, into one, I came up with: “What you fight, you ignite” and that was the thought of the Cosmos that day. Then I came up with “Don’t play with fire. I know that these words may not always “make sense” or have meaning to me, but will for the reader; that’s part of the whole “mystical” sense of having coffee with the Cosmos every morning. I just write what I’m told. I then wanted something that would be a good title. I understand that these gems of wisdom are created as posts in a blog site so the title ideally should be a word or phrase that people are or may be searching for. So I keep that in mind but only partially. The entire content with the PS and title all need to make sense together and the heck with SEO formality. It’s like the person who showed up at a large convention and someone asked how he could be there without bringing business cards. His response was that “angels” distribute his cards for him, and he got a lot of business from being there. Sometimes, the “angels” are in charge of getting the right people, those who need to read these specific words of wisdom to the post.

I did a search and found a suitable title for this post, which I believe is an African proverb. Even in searching and accepting this title (Take away fuel, take away flame) I believe was inspired by the Cosmos. Many times, as with this title, I feel that the title alone could be a great comment from A.K. Cosmos.

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Ter Scott!

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