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Books by Ter Scott about Marketing, Life and Legacy, and Good Living.


Hello, my name is Ter Scott. When you click on one of these images, you'll be directed to its page on Amazon. When you purchase the book and come back here with your questions or comments, I will answer them in the comments below. I thank you in advance for your purchase. Ter Scott

This is my favorite little fable for kids of all ages. Soon to be playing at a theater near you. 

This is module one of the Marketing Bootcamp. Inquire about attending my complete course. 

What's it take to make a million dollars? Just one idea. Capture your ideas here and refer to and reflect on often. 

This book is about exactly what the title states. My suggestion (warning) is that you use the power in this book for only good. 

What you hold in your hands is very powerful. Your life will change forever after putting to use the “assignments” which I present but also those which you create and do. Many have realized awesome things after just contemplating and doing something after the first day! But I want you to not stop there; and not to stop after the first 10 days but to continue to repeat going through these 10 days twice more for a minimum of 30 days total.

Record every moment and every joy as you live it with your companion dog in this decorative and practical record journal. Your memories together and important information is kept in this diary that includes 15, 12-month tracker forms, facts and trivia about your chosen breed and lots of ruled lines to write yours and your dog's memoirs. Enjoy!

This information is still valid today and will take anyone farther in their speaking whether they are a beginner or pro. 

I still live by this principle and it has been at least partly responsible for my success in life thus far. 

Personal PR is one of my happiest accomplishments. This timeless material is based on my award winning speech. It will make you better as a person and in all areas of your life. 

This introductory book will get you started in understanding not only Graphology but Grapho-Therapy. I use this material in my Handwriting Interpreter talks. 

Continuing with Grapho-Therapy, Therapeutic Coloring CIRCLES is my first of a series of coloring books for the mental health field. 

This is another of my major pieces. Winter Boy is truly one of my favorites. Though this is a screen play, meant for the big screen, it has been produced on stage as a "radio drama" and could very easily be adapted for the stage. Remember that to use this material for a play, radio drama, or big screen production requires permission and royalties to the author. 

I am a born again Christian and this book was written during a time when I was thinking that I could use some of the "good" in, what I'll admit now as being New Age, as long as it honored God. I'm closer in my spiritual walk with Creator God and give Him all the Glory due Him. I now use the information in this book as prompts for conversations with Him. 

I love blogging (I'm known in some circles as the Man of 100 Blogs). This book is all about blogging (using my favorite platform which is Blogger). Like everything, Blogger's platform has changed a bit but this material still works. Bookmark this page so you'll know when new editions are published and when a new Blogger course will be available. 

This book will have you aware and consciously active in attaining prosperity in every area of your life. After making your purchase, inquire about coaching in the comments below. 

The information in this book is powerful; it works. no longer exists so after purchasing this book, return here and use the contact form to request your free pdf of List 10 Method. 

Understanding the Major 8, is "Major". This will help you meet and exceed your goals. 

This book is exactly what the title states, you can learn to live your life purpose.