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Focus on faith and use your fear. Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

Congratulations; you’ve made it this far, all the way to Destiny Move number ten. I hope that you’ve been celebrating after doing each of these nine preveious moves and please know that you are not done yet. So be sure to get ready to give yourself accolades as you finish step ten and repeat the entire process over and over throughout your life from this day forward. Here is your Destiny Move #10.

Focus on faith and use fear. 
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

Understand that everyone has fear and the most successful have experienced more fear than anyone else. As we conquer one fear, it no longer has a hold on us but then another fear threatens to engulf us. We deal with that fear and another fear stares at us as we climb higher and use the obstacles in front of us as stepping stones to proceed. Those who stop and are frozen with fear and do not move on to greater heights and greater fears have less fears and they also have less success. So, realize that you have fear but “do it anyway”. The fears which will stop a “lessor” person will not stop you because you have already faced that fear and it is small in your world. As you progress you’ll be able to conquer greater heights and with that comes greater fears, but you’ll be ready for them. Welcome fear because it means you are moving forward; if you use it as a tool to do so.

When you are in your meditative state, emphasize how faith is helping you. Look at past examples of when you were “afraid” and what it was that concerned you did not come about. Or, perhaps you feared something, went forward and came out so much better for doing it.

Faith heals all.

Are you experiencing something negative in your life right now? Walk in faith. Is walking in faith hard? Then “Talk” in faith. Our thoughts precede our talk and our talk precedes our walk; or it should be that way.

We’ve used the number seven in our number of affirmations and declarations but here I want you to say this fifteen times. (The mystics of the past used the number fifteen often in their work). “My faith will make me whole”.

You will become “whole” in body; healed of your physical ailments, “whole” in spirit being one with God and “whole” in mind as your world becomes perfect; “perfect” for you.

You may be saying right now, “I have not been ‘whole’ in my body before and I still feel pain and I have aches that don’t go away”. I will say that this is partially because you believe in your past instead of your possible future and you continually profess your future by your current thoughts, words and actions which all are declaring your past. As you continue to use your Destiny Move number ten in your life, your past will not equal your future.

In the Major 8™ which I created and use in my teaching and coaching, you can instill faith in your future in all eight of these major areas. Have faith that you will have perfect health. Have faith that you are enjoying your food. Have faith that you are sleeping restfully. Then have faith that you have plenty of money and that you use it wisely. Further, have faith that you are living in your best way and leaving the best legacy to be remembered by. Know that you have sexual gratification, the well-being of family and friends and that you indeed have the feeling of importance and respect. You may choose to focus on just one of these Major 8™ areas each week to invoke more faith into its future.

Invoke faith into every step you take this next week and every week from this point forward. Before you take an examination say that “I have the faith of winning and I will win with this. I will pass with a high grade”. Before asking for a raise say, “I will get a larger raise”. Before you ask, always use the phrase which I learned to add from my past mentor Catherine Ponder, “This or something better”.

Much of manifestation is both

in the asking and then in the doing.

Ter Scott, T.H.E. Life & Legacy Coach

Note to reader: Did you like what you’ve read? This is an excerpt of my book soon to be published, Destiny Moves™. It will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly. Would you like to know when it is available for free? Request to be notified using the contact form on this page.


Ter Scott is available to speak at your next event, and even via online! Use the contact information on this page to request details.