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Are you "Living a Life" and "Leaving a Legacy"?

Live in Balanced Abundance

Part of living balanced is making the decision to do so. Everyone is bombarded with opportunities to take all of our time but we must make the decision to accept which of those “demands” that come our way.

What I share with you will be small and little things you can do; because, small things built on each other as a routine become habits and habits are well, habitual.

Start today, or plan and do this tomorrow and every day from this point onward, by making a list of things you want to accomplish today. I can already hear you saying, “Ter, this is nothing new”. I know that, but are you doing this and are you doing this every morning or even better yet, the night before; or even the week before?

Image result for balancing actLater, I’ll explain how to “refine” this list making it more specific and easier to execute but for now I want you to list just do a few things in just two areas.

My name is Terry (Ter) Scott and I am T.H.E. Life & Legacy Coach™. What I will share with you here is not only something I take very seriously and teach my clients to do, but it is something that I practice myself. I use this to track whether or not, I am living in balance in both “Living a life” and “Leaving a Legacy”.

(Photo by Emotive Brand

In the morning, I ask myself “What actions will be in the area of living my life today”? and “What actions will I do to leave a legacy today?” I list three in each of these two areas.

When you understand your purpose, and what kind of legacy you want to leave this world, these are easy “fill in the blank” answers. They don’t have to be “big” drawn out battles, just whatever comes to your mind. Living a life might be just visiting your mom or going to your job; but write three things down in the “Living a life” area.

In the “Leaving a legacy” area, write three things you’ll do today that if you could hear people talk about you at your funeral you might want to hear them say; and the things you want them to remember you by. Some people think that leaving a legacy is just money, but it is also memories.
Record both in a “journal” so you’ll look back over time (and your children or others may be able to refer to it after you pass). Also, write this on a 3 x 5 card.

After you’ve written at least three things in both categories, go about your day. Refer to your 3 x 5 card throughout your day.

Now, this evening sometime take out your 3 x 5 card and reflect on your day. In your journal check off or “rate” how well you did in all six areas. Ask yourself, “Did I live my life today?” and “Did I leave a legacy?” 

Remember, everyone will leave a legacy. Is it the one you want to leave?

Have you heard of T Harv Eker? He offers a fantastic course about having a "Life Makeover". Check it out here. 

Click here to register now!

You are Responsible to Determine Your Life Purpose; Here's Help.

This is an excerpt from my Life and Legacy Letter. If you would like details on subscribing, my coaching or booking my speaking services, please contact me using the form somewhere on this page. 

Today I wish to chat a bit about “purpose”. Some of what I share today will challenge your beliefs or awaken your beliefs as it should. 

When we don’t know our purpose we are what I remember Zig Ziglar telling me, are “wondering generalities”. Not knowing one’s purpose results in people accepting the wrong job, partner, house, location to live; everything in one’s life is the result of living one’s purpose; or not. 

When you don’t know what your purpose is, you become overwhelmed because you choose things that aren’t “you”, which were never were meant to be and never will be you. As one example, you find yourself doing things for money first, instead of living your purpose and having money, lots of money following; even chasing you. So you choose a job which is kind of like you, but not fully you. 
Let’s go down the list of what I call the Major 8™. 

M8/1 Health. You don’t know your own purpose so you try to please others to the point of damaging your own health. 

M8/2 Enjoyment of Food. Not knowing your own purpose, you may feel guilty or “not good enough” so you over eat or under eat, eat to fast or not the right food or even pleasure yourself by eating out occasionally. 

M8/3 Restful Sleep. You don’t sleep well because of the poor choices you’ve made and how it created the situation you are in and it dampens your dreams; those when you are sleeping and the type you should have for your successful life. 

M8/4 Money; to have enough to share and spare. As I’ve already mentioned, when you don’t know your purpose you chase money instead of having it chase you. Proverbs tells us “Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle”. What this tells me is that money is not any more important than anything else in this world; but it is indeed, important. When you know your purpose, you’ll understand how to use money in the most important way within your life’s purpose; you’ll be able to be wiser with your money. 

M8/5 Life and Legacy; live your life and leave a legacy. To me this is all about living abundantly in balance; to start each day knowing what your purpose is so you can ask yourself what can I do today to live my life and leave a legacy, and at night ask if I did so. 

M8/6 Sexual Gratification. This may surprise some, but this is not all about the sexual act; but also the results of the sexual act. I won’t get into this here (as I’ve also only touched on the others of the Major 8™), but I’m sure you’ll agree that when you know your life purpose, you’ll certainly make better choices in this area! 

M8/7 Wellbeing of Family and Friends. When you are living your purpose, on purpose you’ll be in a better position to help family and friends. 

M8/8 The Feeling of Importance and Respect. Rodney Dangerfield had the famous line, “I don’t get no respect”. I think many people believe the same of themselves, that they don’t get no respect, but here’s the truth, you do not get respect from anyone; you give yourself respect and others will respect that. 

Of course the Major 8™ is my exclusive platform I developed to coach my clients to create “balanced abundance” and it goes so much deeper than what I’ve shared here. My point is to present to you that your purpose, or lack of living your purpose, affects every area of your life (The Major 8™).

I used to ask, “What is God’s purpose for my life?”
when I should have asked,
“What is my purpose for my life?”
When I determined my purpose,
I found God’s purpose.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

My experience is that when I was in my youth and considering big decisions like girls, college, college and girls, career, marriage, career and marriage; you get the idea, I thought it was up to God to reveal His plan for my life. Looking back I now see that though I was sincere (sincerely ignorant) about this, that I was actually “copping out” on this; I wasn’t taking responsibility and I was leaving it all in God’s hands. 

Now I know that some people would disagree with me on this and continue to think that “He’s got the whole world in his hands” like the hymn tells us but I will share with you what I wish someone had shared with me back in my younger days, “God’s busy. God put some things in my hands and it is my responsibility to find out what He put in my hands and then to do His will”. And, that God’s will, is in my hands. 

All I had to do was use the mind that God gave me and I would see that the Robin knows her purpose and the Dandelions know theirs. The Robin doesn’t have to ask God or anyone to know that her days are to be filled with finding worms and singing. The Dandelion’s purpose is to fill my yard and reflect the glory of God with their yellow triumph over the green lawn. And, both the Robin and Dandelion is here to put on a show for me as part of my purpose, but that is for another subject. 

All creatures and creation know their purpose. Man (and woman) must determine purpose. 

You don’t find your purpose;
you determine your purpose.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Jack Canfield told me a story about how he learned to “dis-cover” his purpose and now helps others “uncover” theirs. Do your own research to hear Jack tell about the “Golden Buddha” which was once known as the “Clay Buddha” until a monk “uncovered” the gold which was beneath. Knowing your purpose is definitely about uncovering your own gold which God placed inside you. You already have “purpose” within you; you only must “uncover” it. If someone had only told me how to determine my purpose years ago, I may be further along my own purpose path; without as many trials; but who knows? I do know that while we uncover our purpose, doing so is a continual “revealing” and though we now see dimly that later all things will be made clear. 

The word, “determine” has within it two other words which are “in” and “mine”. We must look inside ourselves to discover our purpose. Then as we reveal it, we live it and living it directs our choices along our life’s path. You have your purpose and I have mine. You cannot do my push ups and I cannot do yours. You cannot live my dream or purpose and I cannot live yours. 

You have many choices but only one purpose.
Determine your purpose and you’ll be clearer on your choices.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

All creatures and all creation know its purpose and they do not try to do anything else. That is why they are not stressed or overwhelmed. An acorn knows it is to become a tree and to reach its certain height. An Eagle knows it is to fly, or it falls. 

You can have it all; you should have it all.
To do less, to be less and to have less is a sin.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Only Man has the mind to make choices. When we make the right choice, based on our purpose we fly. When we choose unwisely we fall. When we are not clear about what our purpose is, we may fly but not as high as our potential. To not have lived one’s full potential is to not have accepted God’s gift of life totally and not to have accepted God’s gift is a sin. 

Please don’t leave this earth with your music still in you; don’t find your purpose, determine your purpose. You cannot determine your purpose “incorrectly”. That would be like saying a flower would determine wrongly that it should be beautiful. Trust that what you determine is who and what your purpose should and must be. 

Most of the time when I ask God questions,
He doesn’t “tell” me; he “shows” me.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

I realize that I’m talking a lot about “God” here, and if you would rather substitute the word “Creator” where I mention “God” feel free to do so; that is until you do feel comfortable using God, as He of course is the Creator. 

Earlier I mentioned how I put all of finding out what my purpose was in God’s lap, expecting perhaps what Brendon Burchard refers to a “Purpose Piano” falling on my head and maybe that would tell me something as to what I’m supposed to do. When I ask God something (which is quite often during the day) there isn’t “hand writing on the wall” but as I’ve mentioned, I see purpose in Robins, Dandelions and other things such as sun rises, sunsets, and the noon time smile of a child eating his lunch. God usually doesn’t tell me anything; it is up to me to open my eyes and to be more aware. 

God “shows” me through what Man has made
from what He has made,
or I can also see the “original”.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

I can also marvel in what Man has made like the tall buildings and the tall advances in technology but I must also get in nature and see the original. I can see the wooden chair or pencil or I can go to nature and see the natural original. Either way, I see that the chair has purpose, the tree has purpose and I have purpose. 

God is ALL. God is LOVE. 
LOVE is ALL you need.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

You can have it all and having it all is not being selfish; it is being all that your purpose is meant to be. When you determine your purpose, you make right choices and you live rightly. When you live rightly, things go easier and everything in the Major 8™ come to you easily, frequently and abundantly. Others who don’t realize what purpose is and how it “works” may see you living abundantly as on purpose as that of the Dandelion which tries to overtake “the world”, they may think that you are greedy, selfish or come to some other wrong conclusion. It is not true, and you know it is not true. You’ve only come to the true realization that you will no longer be a wondering generality and that you will determine your path and choose opportunities which enhance what you are meant to do. Can a Robin fail? Can a Dandelion fail? Can any creature fail? When you are living your purpose there is absolutely no way you can fail. You may falter at times but you will never fail. 

In the future I’ll share more about how to discover your purpose but for now I trust you believe that you do have a purpose and it is up to you to determine and live what it is. 

Until then, 

Make it a great day! 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™ 

Seeking 100 Law of Attraction Students to offer feedback on my newest WEIGHT MANAGEMENT system...

Dear reader,

Thanks for stopping by; I think you'll be glad that you did.

I'm looking for people who will "Do and Review". 

I've just created a method where, with using just a few simple techniques based on my experiences and from the tenets of the Law of Attraction, you or someone you know (this is great for coaches) who has struggled with weight issues can finally get lasting results.

There are many reasons why weight methods haven't worked for most. I feel the greatest one is that the person hasn't used their mind; that is in the right way.

In my method called "Meditate Your IDEAL Weight" the reader learns how in just 15 minutes a day "Think their weight away" and see real results in just several tries and within 21 days sees drastic results.

I'm looking for about 100 people who will read the book and actually do the steps for a full 21 days. Then give me your honest testimonial. The system will be published very soon.


If you are interested, let me know by using the "contact form" on this page. You'll receive a special link to the offer and a DISCOUNT CODE where you'll receive everything a regular customer receives but for a full 50% off. This will be on an honor system so please simply get back to me wtih your testimonial using the you'll receive. For those who submit a 2 - 3 minute video, I may or may not use it but your name will be entered for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!

Following is more about the system. You (and every customer) receives the System: Mediate Your IDEAL Weight, plus 3 BONUS BOOKS, plus 21 days of email access to Yours Truly, and limitless updates for free every time a new edition is published! Don't put this off, when I have 100 people who want to do and review Meditate Your IDEAL Weight system for half off, this offer ends. Just let me know you are interested (use the contact form) and as soon as the system is ready I will contact you.

Meditate Your IDEAL Weight is based on secret mind power and techniques which go back thousands of years and used over and over with great success not just in losing weight, gaining weight and actually maintaining your correct weight, but if all areas of one's life. I took these techniques and added my special tweaks to make them easy to understand, follow and do. 

Meditation is really very simple and I present it in such a way that you can do this any time of day within any schedule. Meditation is a quiet time alone, where you can think and converse, visualize and more. If you did nothing more than scheduling a quiet time for yourself, you would have gotten more than 10 times your investment in the price of this system. 
Like anything, this will work "when" you work it. You do need to put in consistent effort but I believe that if you are like most people who have used these techniques, you will come to love this and will genuinely want to make the time. The techniques are very easy and I know that as you see real results (and others will notice), you'll continue beyond the 21 days and Meditate Your IDEAL Weight will become a life habit. 
One of my mentors, Shad Helmstetter is who I call, "The Father of Self-Talk". It was with Shad where I first heard of "Affirmations" and later this continued with my other mentors, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale and others. I personally develop affirmations for myself and my clients for all areas of life. Meditate your Ideal Weight uses what I believe are the best affirmations to get to your ideal weight; and I even explain the proper way to create affirmations so you can create your own effective affirmations to use along side mine. BONUS: This is a technique you'll use in other areas of your life; not just with weight management. 

As far as the "process" goes, I'll only share here that it has been effective for over thousands of years; it's one of those "lost" arts which I and a few others are bringing back to the forefront. The system is very easy to do and once you've done it a few times, you'll fine yourself doing the full or "mini-sessions" at any time of the day when you have a few minutes. The entire process is about 15 minutes in length and I strongly encourage you to do the process daily for at least 21 days. From there, you'll no doubt want to do it frequently as a life style management regime.
As I mention in the system, this isn't about me, but just so you know enough credibility in me to take a chance on going forward with Meditate your Ideal Weight, I will share just a bit about myself. First off, I'm not a doctor or health professional. Stay with your professionals and don't "undo" anything he or she tells you until they tell you to make a change. Also, I'm not really "fat" and I just "naturally" think about and watch what I eat. There was a time when I was very underweight and that is why I wanted to present a system which show you how to achieve your "ideal" weight. 

What I am is T.H.E. Life & Legacy Coach™; I'm a coach, not a "weight guy" necessarily. I address the whole body and the mind so everything else "gets in line". When you are not your "ideal" weight, all in life is not "ideal" and more than your weight is "out of line". If you've had less than your desired results seeing people and doing things which haven't helped in your past, maybe a life coach (me) is your answer. 

Meditation works for everyone; like everything else, we must "work" it. Again, this would not have been passed down for centuries if there were not positive results! I'd like to say "yes", that this will definitely work for you. There are so many variables which could effect your results. One of course is your discipline. I've made this system so easy that you may be tempted to think "it's too simple, this can't work". That thought will be your biggest enemy. I've also made the cost of the system about the price of a night out with a friend, with an ironclad guarantee if you don't see the results you want. 

This brings me to another thought, your belief. Did you know that you belief about something, positive or negative greatly affects the outcome? Sometimes one's beliefs are so "ingrained" as part of "them" that they can't "see" them. There are complete courses, seminars and coaches which work on what is "blocking" your success in one or all areas of your life. I will also address this so you can "unblock" your obstacles and use them as stepping stones! 

Finally, your weight is not your problem! That sentence is way more than only seven words! When someone's weight is not "ideal", this is only a "symptom" of something far bigger (and very possibly damaging). And yes, you need to take responsibility for what is yours but you don't have to take responsibility for what is not. I also address that. 

Reviewers of Meditate Your Ideal Weight will also get something else, which is absolutely awesome... 
I'll share that in a moment.

But first let me tell you what you'll get when you are accepted as a Reviewer (use the contact form on this page to inquire).

Part of the qualification is:
  • You first agree to use the system and then 
  • offer a testimonial either in a few sentences and/or a short 2 to 3 minute video.
When accepted you'll receive a special link to the offer of Meditate Your Ideal Weight with a DISCOUNT CODE only you can use. You'll use it to receive everything a regular customer receives but for a full 50% off. That's the Meditate Your Ideal Weight System and the 3 bonus books; my email access and free updates.

This will be done on an honor system so please after you've gone through reading Meditate Your Ideal Weight (you won't have to review the bonus books), get back to me with your testimonial using my contact instructions you'll receive with the materials. For those who go a bit further and submit a 2 - 3 minute video, (which I may or may not use) your name will be entered for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!

This is the exciting news I told you about above. 

Everyone who submits a testimonial ... that I use... has the option of linking it to their website or blog. (I will personally approve this; the site and blog must be relevant).

If you love reading, love new things, are a coach, have clients, want to explore a "different" way to get in your ideal shape, why not see if you qualify to be a reviewer and get the complete program for half off... and you get the same 90 day guarantee a regular customer gets! 

Don't put this off, when I have 100 people who want to do and review Meditate Your IDEAL Weight system for half off, this offer ends. Just let me know you are interested (use the contact form) and as soon as the system is ready I will contact you.

I look forward to your request. Remember, when 100 Reviewers have been selected, this half priced offer goes away. However, the system is priced right with a guarantee which ensures that you can't go wrong, even at the regular price. CLICK HERE to visit and get started.

I'm looking for people who will "Do and Review"
I've just created a method where, with using just a few simple techniques based on my experiences and from the tenets of the Law of Attraction, so you or someone you know (this is great for coaches) who has struggled with weight issues can finally get lasting results. If you'll review the system and give me your feedback, you'll get some real cool stuff!

52 Weeks “52 to Living New” A F R EE Success System by Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

52 Weeks “52 to Living New”

Dear Friend,

Most of us know that when we get up each morning that we are given a “new” day. However, how many of us grasp the full potential of this meaning? Do we try new things, do we do new things and do we learn new things? It is only when we make a conscious effort to “be new” that we’ll be able to look back over time and see our older, past self and then look in the mirror and see our “new” self. We’ve all heard it said, that if we are not living, we are dying. Are you ready to “live”?

When you answer “yes”, you are saying “yes” to so many things which automatically open to you. You’ll get up each morning with purpose and go to bed each night with great anticipation of living again your next day!
Hello. My name is Terry (Ter) Scott! I am T.H.E. Life & Legacy Coach™ and I teach people how to “Live your life and leave a legacy”™.

I have given myself an assignment and I am inviting you to join me. Over the next 52 weeks I will work on one thing each week which will make me a better person. This will include personality traits, habits, routines and techniques which may be reminders to continue doing what I have been doing, to tweak it, “delete” it or do something entirely different.

Regardless of “where” you are right now or “where” you desire to be, when you join me in this 52 week adventure you will definitely be, do and have “more” in 12 months than only 1 year older! Imagine, when you (and I) can be just 1% better in 12 months (or less) how different our (personal) world can be?

You can start any week of the year.

You’ll get a very “simple” assignment to do during the week.

You can then answer the questions at the week’s end (optional) and leave your comments (also optional) to help others. (And I read every comment and reply “publicly” for all to see and be helped).

Oh, and by the way, this is absolutely F R E E!

My assignment is to create these “assignments” each week and to comment on your questions and comments. When you join me and others, we’ll both be helped. And since I’m creating these 52 weeks as we go on, maybe you have something we should address in one of the weekly sessions; just let me know!

There is no “sign up” page or anything (at least for now). Just use the QR code or the link which will take you to the blog article. By the end of the week I should have the next article created and will post a new QR code and link which will take you to the next article.

Scan this QR or visit the link
to go to Week One of “52 to Living New” and let’s get started!

Ter Scott!
Life & Legacy Coach™