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Tom Antion made me sign up for Instagram!

Well, not really. He just told me about his fantastic podcasts (my word) he has just started and I noticed that he is also burning up the Instagram site with his stuff. Tom is the best at Internet Marketing so when I saw that he was there, I knew that I did.

Tom Antion

The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money!

Here's my favorite Instagram pic of his: 

Here are links to his other stuff about Screw the Commute; I think you'll like 'em! 

Tom’s got everything covered; check out his social media pages:
If you like the podcasts, you’ll love the Private Facebook group (we’re I’m a member!). Check out Tom’s description and how to become a member here:

My Mentor Tom Antion shares secrets on how to "Screw the Commute"

I've been fortunate to know and learn from Tom for some years now and tommorow he'll be sharing something awesome!

It's clear that many jobs require that you spend a lot of time in the vehicle to and from. This is for those entrepreneurs, business owners, and work-at-home people. Tomorrow I will assist a friend, and mentor, Tom Antion in a launch for something very worthwhile. ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INTERNET MARKETING, PUBLIC SPEAKING and OTHER RESOURCES. #marketing #business #mentoring #publicspeaking Want to know more?

See you tomorrow! Ter Scott! Tom will teach how to "Screw the Commute"!