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People ignore you: You are standing at the opening of a Goldmine and offer free shovels.

Watch this video experiment to see what people will do when you give them money!
What will people do when you give them value?

Notice how you can be standing at the opening of a gold mine and ask your friends and business associates to grab a shovel and dig but they come up with some excuse???

Image result for goldmine

Give Anyway.

You can give away books and education
which people won’t read or use,
Give away books and education anyway.

You can give away free advertising
which people won’t take advantage of.
Give away free advertising anyway.

You can give away entire weekend events
where business people can network
and learn how to invest and become better financially
but people won’t see the value or accept the gift.

Continue to give anyway. 

Goldmine image courtesy of this site
(I'm not necessarily endorsing his site but it looks like something 
which may interest any entrepreneur). 

SPECIAL NOTE: People may be suspicious at first when you give them money and many may be grateful. But remember that when you give people money, you are feeding them (a fish) for a day; for the immediate need. Sometimes this is what is needed. However, it is always best to give something which creates independence and something they can do on their own (fishing for their own fish) which will feed them every day. 
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach. Inquire about Ter speaking for your next event here.

Could this be the "Only" place for online advertising? Advertise for Fr@e!

Live in the USA? Then advertise here! Oh, yeah; it's Free. Just ask to join! 

Are you asking questions or only talking?

This week I'm asking my readers a question about questions. In my own conversations, I realize the importance of asking but must confess that I need to do better.

Please answer this question and add any comments below that will help us all with this. If you can share your thoughts, experiences and examples too, I think we would all be grateful. Then visit here again to read other's comments, to improve your communication skills.

Here's the question.

See you next week!

Ter Scott,
Life & Legacy Coach

Live in the USA and having a garage sale, selling anything; a car, house, guitar, etc.? Got a business you want to tell others about? Tell and sell here; it's free! 

How are you doing with your "to do" list?

Do you have a “to do” list?
Do you follow it?
Do you have goals?

Image result for goals

Are your goals broken down into tasks for your “to do” list?

Write it down (don’t type it; ask me why if you want), look at frequently and do a routine habitually every day and complete what needs to be completed, check off what you’ve done, and progress.

We become what we think about. So if you are not looking at your goals frequently and completing the steps on a daily basis, you are not “thinking” about it and you are not attaining it!

Alter your life by altering your attitude and make your thoughts your reality.

You can do, be, to do be and have absolutely anything that you want to do, be and have when you have goals and you write them down and chase them down!

Get some goals and get on in the world!