Magnetize Abundance with mentor Ter Scott!
Here's something for my readers!
Yours truly Give me
your comments please; also it’s Free right now: (10-day
challenge blog post).
Get "Magnetize Abundance" F r e e!
I need your help!
![How to Magnetize Abundance: In Just 10 Days by [Scott, Terry]](
Thanks so much! It’s important that Magnetize Abundance gets as many
testimonials on day one so I hope you’ll put this on your calendar and go to
Amazon using this link:
Abundance Bundle; Learn to Attract Abundance materials here.
When you think "abundance" what do you think?
If you are like most people the word "money" comes to mind and it is probably on the top of the list. Recently when I was promoting my newest Kindle book, Magnetize Abundance, here are the suggestions which Google offered up:
If you are like most people the word "money" comes to mind and it is probably on the top of the list. Recently when I was promoting my newest Kindle book, Magnetize Abundance, here are the suggestions which Google offered up:
If you have been around me and my work, you'll know that I'm all about the Major 8 which are the eight main desired most everyone seeks. (Just Google: Major 8 Ter Scott for more on that). In the list, "money" is not at the top and I will tell you that if you seek money exclusively to the other 7 you are pretty much assured that it will continue to elude you.
So I'm not against having money and lots of it, but I teach that people need to first seek "abundance" because when you have abundance you have lots of everything!
Speaking of having lots of stuff, as a kick off to my latest book, How to Magnetize Abundance, I'm giving away a free sampler of the book, affirmations and even a Law of Attraction book online.
To find the freebies, do a Google search for: Abundance Ter Scott. When you do you’ll see a link: Live a Life of Real Abundance, click on it and you’ll go to the page with all the freebies.
If you hurry you might find the book is on sale at Amazon Kindle for free (limited time).
Five essential entrepreneurial skills...
“The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success: Concentration, Discrimination, Organization, Innovation and Communication.” -Michael Gerber
Just do it.
“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing. It’s when you’ve had everything to do and you’ve done it.” -Margaret Thatcher
You can! - Ter Scott!
“If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you’re right.” -Henry Ford
See the opportunity. Ter Scott!
“Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity.” -Reed Markham
Answers from the Cosmos: Create a Beautiful World
Friends, I am writing a book about how to attract abundance into your life. This is an excerpt about creating a beautiful world. Right now there seems to be a lot of "ugliness" going on so I'd love you to read it (it's short) and leave your comments at the blog site. Make it a great day! Answers from the Cosmos: Create a Beautiful World: 10 Ways to Magnetize Your Major 8; 6 of 10: Create a Beautiful World Create something which will beautify the world and you’ll attr...
Advance. - Ter Scott!
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” -Henry David Thoreau
Answers from the Cosmos: 10 Ways to Magnetize What You Want by A.K. Cosmos ...
Answers from the Cosmos: 10 Ways to Magnetize What You Want by A.K. Cosmos ...: Hello! This is Ter Scott and A.K. Cosmos and the readers are participating in a 10-day adventure: 10 Ways to Magnetize What You Want. ...Are you living a life of abundance? Here are 10 ways to make it happen!
Be curious.
“The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows.” -Aristotle Onansis
Answers from the Cosmos: 10 Ways to Magnetize What you Want in Life
Answers from the Cosmos: 10 Ways to Magnetize What you Want in Life: Congratulations reader! You are in for a treat. A.K. Cosmos is hosting a series of 10 Ways to Magnetize Your Major 8 ; anything that you wa...
Defeat is not a word in my vocabulary. Ter Scott!
“Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses… on your powers, instead of your problems.” -Paul J. Meyer
Ter Scott's Success Quotes Today: Expect more, and get it.
Ter Scott's Success Quotes Today: Expect more, and get it.: One formula for success: List all the things you do to get ahead in life, to have great relationships, to make more money and your other des...
Don't harvest what you didn't plant. Ter Scott!
“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.” -David Bly
What is "Wealth"?
What is wealth? Is it simply “money” or having more of it?
My favorite site for definitions, defines money as:
any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money.
Is wealth the same as money? If you think so then there is no purpose in seeing if there is a definition of the word, wealth. Absurd you say? Well, many people use both words interchangeably when there definitely are major differences. If both words meant the “exact” same thing, there would not be a need for another. Here’s’s definition for wealth:
a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches
Oh yeah; there is a lot more to “wealth” than just money! OK, so maybe you knew that but isn’t it fun to play with this a little? I think you’d agree that you would want wealth over money if given the choice, right?
Sometimes links and offers expire. If you try a link and it doesn’t work, please let us know in the comments.
Learn about wealth from Cosmos Experts.
Stop the insanity; all colors are beautiful and we all bleed red. Live in peace.
In a recent Facebook post, someone presented how a teacher stated that simply being “white” makes you a racist. It certainly spawned a lot of comments. I seldom read all the comments because that’s what they are; comments, and people are entitled to them. Here is mine:
If being "white" is racist, then so is "black", and any other "color" on the globe. I think God knew the heart of man and that we could not get along so that's why the song is: "Jesus loves the little children..." Our "problem" is that the world no longer sings. Ter Scott
If you would like to read the article (one article) READ MORE.
The world is hurting right now but it is our own fault. Why? It is because we keep listening to the “wrong” voices and not that of our own heart and inner talk. We insist on listening to the voices of dissension of governments and people in power who want to stay in power by creating a rub between people of color, classes, pay scale, neighborhoods, countries, football teams and political parties to name just a few things.
I'm glad the following video is only about a minute in length; it is so hard to watch. To all involved in this I ask, please think rationally and tell me what this accomplished for you "cause" if you really have one (or that of those who have power over you and manipulate you to do this)? Were you able to go home that night and kiss your partner, your kids and tell them now the world is safe for them to live; that you've done something awesome today with your life making the world a better place and could sleep restfully knowing that now, all is "all right". Or did you not even think. You did not think about the consequences of your actions for today and the tomorrows which follow.
I'm glad the following video is only about a minute in length; it is so hard to watch. To all involved in this I ask, please think rationally and tell me what this accomplished for you "cause" if you really have one (or that of those who have power over you and manipulate you to do this)? Were you able to go home that night and kiss your partner, your kids and tell them now the world is safe for them to live; that you've done something awesome today with your life making the world a better place and could sleep restfully knowing that now, all is "all right". Or did you not even think. You did not think about the consequences of your actions for today and the tomorrows which follow.
It is our responsibility to disregard these voices and make the world a better place or take what we may think is an easier route and do what we can to “get them”, “they’ll pay for what they’ve caused me and my people” or whatever “animal” instinct (wait a minute, sorry animals; most of you act better than some of us humans) we want to react to in the moment.
Before “reacting” think about how to “respond”; is it in love or retaliation? And also, where is this voice coming from and who benefits from manipulating you to fight and create chaos in your neighborhoods? You may think that you you’re your own “cause” to hurt and destroy but make no mistake; someone, some group or some power much bigger than you are provoking you to do this. Who is it the benefits, makes money and stays in power when you hurt yourself and others in your locality by all of this. And when you town is burnt to the ground, you have no homes, no stores, no protection and no quality of life it is you and your family that gets hurt; those who you gave power over you by following them simply move on to provoke others in another place and the destruction happens al over again.
We are living in unsafe times, but it doesn't have to be; when we take responsibility for our own actions and not react with destruction, like the voices of powers who want to see you die; but respond in love, like the voices of those who want you to live and to have this country be the best to raise your children and your children's children; IT IS YOUR CHOICE.
We are living in unsafe times, but it doesn't have to be; when we take responsibility for our own actions and not react with destruction, like the voices of powers who want to see you die; but respond in love, like the voices of those who want you to live and to have this country be the best to raise your children and your children's children; IT IS YOUR CHOICE.
Stop the insanity. Love all colors. Listen to your heart, respond; don't "react" and love all.
Live “off the grid”; “They”
don’t want you to; find out here.
Will you survive “World
War 3” or something like it? DETAILS.
Home “Security” System DETAILS
Chaos in the world and on Facebook
Today I want to share something bigger than myself. I know a very successful man who first reminded us that people are told not to talk about religion, politics or money and then went on to say just how "stupid" that is because so much of our life depends on our views on those three things. If today's article is not your "cup of tea", please come back for some different "coffee and conversation" another time. For those of you who this is for, you'll know it and I appreciate you and your time.
Here is a recent Facebook post:
Here is a recent Facebook post:
Facebook Reality (This is "long" but I felt I needed to share it to help someone today to live in peace and not fear in the midst of all the "scary" news on Facebook lately).
In the midst of chaos in this world, especially what seems to be all around us right here in the USA there is peace, hope and safety. However, if you are not realizing this peace, hope and safety, you can do something about it.
I know that there are many people who know this answer to peace, hope and safety and many are your friends here on Facebook, but like those who are afraid for instance, to mention that they are for Trump by displaying a Trump sign or bumper sticker because they fear retaliation and also like those who at work or live in Hollywood and/or work in the media would not dare say they are a conservative because they would lose their jobs… so may not tell you. In my case, I’ve tried to “not” share things like what I will share with you today because I know it may affect friendships and business but friend, I’m sure you can see that we live in crazy times so I feel I must share a few thoughts. Don’t worry; they are not “directly” concerning the election so you can breathe a quick sigh of relief there.
The 3 things I have to say concerns something much bigger than life itself; it has to do with life while we are on this side of eternity and on the other side; it all starts (for us) here. Oh boy, I see some of you leaving right now. Have a great day. For those of you who are still here, please read on.
First, all of this “crap” that is going on is not something “new”; it may seem new to us because of how our communication today is so quick and vast; we know about things around the world sometimes in seconds though many times it is skewed and sometimes omitted by our media. But we are not “fighting” flesh and blood. We are not “fighting” the media, the government, the politicians, those in the riots, those stopping traffic so they will be noticed, those involved in shootings and everything related; that is just humans against humans. Our fight is with something so much bigger; much larger than we can imagine. For we don’t fight against flesh and blood, but against something much bigger than the worse hurricane or “natural” disaster you could ever witness; our fight is against the principalities the powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (not meaning our government; which is pea sized in comparison to what I talking about). But we don’t “fight” this alone, there is no way we could if we tried. This is why so many people on Facebook and elsewhere feel defeated; it is too big to comprehend!
So the power we need to be concerned about is so much greater than the person who breaks into your house and robs you, the looters on the streets who kill and destroy and the Muslim who beheads those who do not concede to their way of living. Yes, these are realities in our world today and soon may be on your local streets. Are you ready? There is an answer; we don’t have to do this on our own.
Sure you can stock up on food, buy a gun, create a shelter, and do everything to “prepare” and then what? There is a way to really be prepared. I understand that you may resist this and you aren’t ready to hear this, but there IS a way. The “way” is God. He has promised something so big, so phenomenal and He is not slow in keeping that promise, as some understand slowness. That’s why many think He is not in control, He doesn’t exist but He is real and He is watching everything and is in ultimate control. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Isn’t that awesome? He is waiting for you before He well, closes the door. My intent today is not to tell you “how” to accept His promise but to let you know that it the promise is real.
I understand that I’ve lost many after sharing that because you want to live your life as you want for a while and you think you’ll be giving up too much. I understand all of that; it isn’t true but I understand. I’m simply telling you how you can have peace, hope and safety regardless of all the fearful things people post on Facebook.
And finally I want to tell you that you do not need to live in fear. That too is so amazing. All Hell can break loose (and you may think that it already has) and you can still be in so much peace; as if you were a fish surrounded by the water of protection. God does not give us the spirit of fear;but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. When you have this power, love and a sound mind; you will have the peace, hope and safety I wanted to share with you here.
So now I’ve said it. I took a long time out of my day today to compose this when I probably should have been doing something else but I was impressed to share it. This is “not me” and I’m not a saint; just a minister (as we all should be) of the Good News that we all can use in this day and time of chaos. I hope these words provoke you to action but to also realize peace today and these coming days.
Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!
So many people "hurting"; a small business from home can help...
Special Offer for October! Click here for details on the free $20 Gift
Certificate you will
receive if you join before the end of October on our team (under Terry Scott
Don't let anyone, including your government, take the "fight" out of you.
This reminds me of the story of someone helping
a chick break through its shell. The chick died because the work of breaking its
own shell was required to give it the strength to survive
It's simple math. Let's say that you need something which you could work and save for that cost (put any price tag here), let's say $100. The government gives you the $100 or the thing that you would have paid the $100 to get. You think you've received $100 but this is not true, you've lost (place the amount of at least 10 times or 100 times the amount you placed in the first blank): $1000 because you've lost the will to reach your potential.
Be aware; in life some gifts come with a huge price tag.
Ter Scott will speak on "The Law of Attraction" at your event.
Hello. My name is Ter Scott. My passion is helping as many
people as I can to realize their full potential. There are two rails on the
track I travel. The first are the individuals who simply want to do more, be
more and have more for themselves and their family and those they love. For
those I am the Life and Legacy Coach. The next are the individuals who want to
attain the above but through ownership of a business or sales. Because the
Internet is such a main method to do business, for them I am the Bricks to
Clicks Marketing Consultant and I assist them in translating their offline
business to an online business using strategies and tools for profit and efficiency.
Depending on the focus and purpose of your group and its
members, I can offer topics of interest that will emphasize and enhance your
For more details on either Life and Legacy Coaching™ or Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consulting™,
please go to
One of my talks teaches how people to attain things in their
life using the principles of the powerful movie, The Law of Attraction; with
techniques which can be used by anyone whether they are in business or not.
My talk is based on this free eBook: How to Use the Law ofAttraction to Get What you Really Want. I usually send a link via email before
the event to all your members (it usually increases attendance at your meeting
or event) or I email it after your event. Either way your members appreciate
it. Feel free to download your free copy here.
And as mentioned, I speak on several topics but they are all
related to improving and increasing individual or business ownership potential.
I would appreciate the opportunity to speak to your group or
at your event. For booking information please use my contact page and request
Make it a great day.
Ter Scott!
Mentor Offers Online Tools to Succeed in Business.
Oh, that’s NOT ME in the picture but I
am involved in this system because I have several online businesses. As the
Life and Legacy Coach ™ and the Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™, I help
others to achieve their dreams and goals both online or off line. So when I saw
what Joel Therien has done over the years and continues to do, I wanted to
place this notice in all of my 100 (plus) blogs.
If you do anything online or are just
starting, there is certainly something here for you. For instance, in a few
short months with the PureLeverage system Russell
Brunson (mentor
and friend) made over $80 000 part time and now it’s your turn!
Click on the image or HERE to watch an
awesome and informative video which can (and will if this is your intent)
change your financial life.
Keep up with your self.
“Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves.” -Zig Ziglar
Excellence is a habit.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.” -Aristotle
Be afraid and do it anyway.
“Never be afraid to tread the path alone. Know which is your path and follow is wherever it may lead you; do not feel you have to follow in someone else’s footsteps.” -Eileen Caddy
Dream big.
“All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.” -Brian Tracy
Believe it can be done...
“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing there is a solution paves the way to a solution.” -Dr. David Schwartz
Successful or unsuccessful?
“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.” -John Maxwell
Are you up for some free online coaching about creating your business online?
People ask me how to start an online business. The quick answer is to build a list and a following and the ongoing answer is continued education from someone who has done it.
Here's a link to my thoughts CLICK HERE.
Here's a link (won't be up long) to my friend and mentor who is "giving back" by offering FREE COACHING. Click here to learn more.
Here's a link to my thoughts CLICK HERE.
Here's a link (won't be up long) to my friend and mentor who is "giving back" by offering FREE COACHING. Click here to learn more.
is a “secret notice” which was strategically placed at the bottom of this
article so I only have those who are serious contacting me. I want to work with
people who want more from life and “go the extra mile” like you did when you
found this link. CLICK HERE.
Choose to grow.
“Life is a series of problem-solving opportunities. The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you depending on how you respond to them.” -Rick Warren
If you have one or more blogs, you may find this interesting...
If you have one or more blogs, you'll need to look at this:
Get easy blog traffic now, plus 99 other great products to
improve your offline and online business!
When you discover some of the secrets I reveal in Easy Blog Traffic, you’ll see how I managed to get one of my blogs from NOWHERE to an Alexa ranking of 4,000+ (highest) and maintain an average Alexa ranking of 12,000+ - This is not a simple thing to do!
When I discovered some of the closely-guarded secrets of generating tons of unique, interested visitors to my blogs, it was only a matter of time before I started making some serious money.
CHECK IT OUT. I explain more about it here.
It is impossible to fail.
“To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail.” -Dorothea Brande
Just set another goal...
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” -Les Brown
Does the Cosmos use Emoticons? It did today.
Live to hear,
“You are my inspiration”
From someone you admire.
A.K. Cosmos
PS. They don’t have to “sing” it;
although that’s always nice. :)
Be a world changer, share this link: Weeks to Ridiculous Success in any area of your life
Here's your assignment; it's pretty easy and fun, so don't sweat it. You'll love it.
1. Pull out your calendar, whatever kind you want; but I really like the kind I have to actually "write" in. Now choose one day a week that you can set aside one hour. Write that day and that hour down on that calendar. What you write down you will do. We have to write down our goals and this is a goal to take just one hour out of each of the next 6 weeks.
2. Each hour of those 6 weeks, come back to this article and watch this half hour video. The other half hour of each full hour is to take notes and review your notes; add to your notes each week.
Here's the video:
1. Pull out your calendar, whatever kind you want; but I really like the kind I have to actually "write" in. Now choose one day a week that you can set aside one hour. Write that day and that hour down on that calendar. What you write down you will do. We have to write down our goals and this is a goal to take just one hour out of each of the next 6 weeks.
2. Each hour of those 6 weeks, come back to this article and watch this half hour video. The other half hour of each full hour is to take notes and review your notes; add to your notes each week.
Here's the video:
That's it; that's your assignment. When you do this for a full six weeks you will become a much better person and when you become a much better person you'll have much better relationships and with better relationships you'll have more of everything; money and true wealth.
Get a calendar, circle the next six weeks of the days and write in the times you'll do this; keep your commitment! Every day this comes up on your calendar visit this page, watch the video and write down your notes. Success is simple; but sometimes not "easy". You'll find out a lot about yourself while doing this assignment!
If you don't do this or only do a few weeks of this "assignment" you won't be a bad person (unless you are currently) but you also won't make the progress to be the person you "say" that you want to be. Put action to the words you "say" and see what happens.
During your 6 week journey leave your comments below and especially do so after your 6 weeks. Don't worry if you see no other comments or few comments. Success is that way; only 3 percent will do this "assignment". How do I know? It's all statistics. Just choose to be a 3 percenter; do the assignment and see what happens!
We start out with "all there is".
“You say I started out with practically nothing, but that isn’t correct. We all start with all there is. It’s how we use it that makes things possible.” -Henry Ford
Why only 1% of the population is successful and this will never change...
The answers to everything we need to know in life is all around you. I defy anyone to ask me a question in the comments area that can not be answered, and I (as the Life and Legacy Coach) can probably answer and/or direct you to the answer.
Today I'm speaking of the 3 percent (some may argue that it is 5%) of the population is successful. You can find the statistics that at age 65 (the time the world says one should retire) that 29% are no longer living on this earth but those who are 63% are still working!!! Crazy, right? That's what happens to those who do not read articles like this one and create a plan and take action on that plan. Those who take action, here are the rest of the statistics: 3 percent are still working (greeters at Walmart), 4 percent have "enough" for retirement (what is "enough?) and 1 percent are considered rich. These are statistics and the only change has been the amount of people living past 65 is increasing and the number of people still working. The constant is the 1 percent who are rich. Why after 40 years plus of working is only 1 percent of the population considered "rich"?
The quick answer is that people are basically lazy, "busy" doing all the wrong things, not focused, not enlightened (they don't seek and find articles such as this), undisciplined and don't care or depend on "luck". These are formulas for failure. If you don't have a plan for success, you fail by default.
I stated that the answers to life are all around you and here is one place you'll see the answer to "why" only 1 percent of the population is rich, either during their life (the sooner the better) and at retirement, YouTube.
YouTube is one of the very largest "search engines" and I want you to see the number of views that this "How to be successful" video has:
... are you ready? Here it is. At the time I published this article the video has been on YouTube for over a year and only has 965 views!!! Unbelievable! Here's a video which presents how anyone can be a millionaire and only 965 views. People would rather watch reruns on their big screen TV or play video games than to get ahead; plain and simple.
Contrast this with the most popular video on YouTube currently: "Most Popular Zit Video on Planet Earth!" which has 1,644,442 views. You can do a search for it if you want to be grossed out and remain in the 95%.
OK, reader- you no longer have any excuse for not becoming rich. My suggestion is to watch this video one time a week for 10 weeks and take notes. If that's too much trouble, then don't complain when you are still working at Walmart or asking people if they "want fries with that".
Make it a great life!
Ter Scott!
PS. The Internet has made it possible and increasingly easier to become a millionaire (many times over). Right now I'm building a team of professionals who talk to business owners about an amazing marketing concept from Austria, successful in 47 countries and is now in the USA. Business owners are looking for this and welcome you when you tell them about it. For details visit my page:
Today I'm speaking of the 3 percent (some may argue that it is 5%) of the population is successful. You can find the statistics that at age 65 (the time the world says one should retire) that 29% are no longer living on this earth but those who are 63% are still working!!! Crazy, right? That's what happens to those who do not read articles like this one and create a plan and take action on that plan. Those who take action, here are the rest of the statistics: 3 percent are still working (greeters at Walmart), 4 percent have "enough" for retirement (what is "enough?) and 1 percent are considered rich. These are statistics and the only change has been the amount of people living past 65 is increasing and the number of people still working. The constant is the 1 percent who are rich. Why after 40 years plus of working is only 1 percent of the population considered "rich"?
The quick answer is that people are basically lazy, "busy" doing all the wrong things, not focused, not enlightened (they don't seek and find articles such as this), undisciplined and don't care or depend on "luck". These are formulas for failure. If you don't have a plan for success, you fail by default.
I stated that the answers to life are all around you and here is one place you'll see the answer to "why" only 1 percent of the population is rich, either during their life (the sooner the better) and at retirement, YouTube.
YouTube is one of the very largest "search engines" and I want you to see the number of views that this "How to be successful" video has:
... are you ready? Here it is. At the time I published this article the video has been on YouTube for over a year and only has 965 views!!! Unbelievable! Here's a video which presents how anyone can be a millionaire and only 965 views. People would rather watch reruns on their big screen TV or play video games than to get ahead; plain and simple.
Contrast this with the most popular video on YouTube currently: "Most Popular Zit Video on Planet Earth!" which has 1,644,442 views. You can do a search for it if you want to be grossed out and remain in the 95%.
OK, reader- you no longer have any excuse for not becoming rich. My suggestion is to watch this video one time a week for 10 weeks and take notes. If that's too much trouble, then don't complain when you are still working at Walmart or asking people if they "want fries with that".
Make it a great life!
Ter Scott!
PS. The Internet has made it possible and increasingly easier to become a millionaire (many times over). Right now I'm building a team of professionals who talk to business owners about an amazing marketing concept from Austria, successful in 47 countries and is now in the USA. Business owners are looking for this and welcome you when you tell them about it. For details visit my page:
The price of success...
“I know the price of success: dedication, hard work and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.” -Frank Lloyd Wright
“I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.” -John D. Rockefeller
If you use expletives in your speech, you are still not a success; keep working on yourself.
I've been listening to motivational videos on YouTube and sadly "potty mouth" and the "F" word has infiltrated the speech of people who espouse success but it's very clear that when they are using expletives, they are not successful in EVERY area of their life. You can tell the size of a man (or woman) by their control. If one cannot emphasize a point without using expletives, they cannot emphasize a point; period.
Do your best when you don't feel like it.
“A professional is a person who can do his best at a time when he doesn’t particularly feel like it.” -Alistair Cooke
Pay less for legal services and be prepared!
My clients, students, friends, and family; basically everyone who sees how I live ask me questions about life style and things like that. It's probably because I'm known as the Life and Legacy Coach ™ and that's what I teach in my webinars, seminars and private coaching.
It really is a "mindset" and I've covered a bit about it before, but it has to do with so many areas in life that there are areas, and areas of those areas, which I've not yet touched on or clearly communicated. One large topic area is how the wealthy think differently than those who are not (yet). And it's that mindset that they don't yet have (or are willing to learn and/or accept) that is keeping them from the wealth. Once you've learned the mindset and maintain that mindset, wealth; "just happens".
I will only cover one area in how the wealthy think; and actually only one area of that area.
It is this.
The wealthy never pay full price for anything.
Let me say that again and let you read that again.
Just by knowing this, you can begin to do the same. It starts by looking at the things you buy differently. And it also starts by looking at things that you are not currently "buying" or providing for in your life. Like "Legal Fees".
I could speak about 1000 things, but here I want to speak about "Legal Fees".
I would bet that you don't have a way to take care of legal matters until you need them and then it's too late, you pay full price and you are emotionally charged and do not think rationally and it just is not a pleasant situation.
EXAMPLE: You get a traffic ticket and you want to contest it (or have to contest it) and it cost you up to $150 in attorney fees. I'm here to tell you that you don't need to pay full price for attorneys. Read on.
Secondly, I would further bet that you are not taking advantage of ways how you could legally avoid troubles by tackling them as they come up or before they come up because you don't have a team of lawyers on your side to do "small" things for you which can bring you "big" rewards.
EXAMPLE: An associate had some jewelry damaged when he was getting it fixed and the jeweler wasn't going to do anything to help him. With this plan, he called his team of attorneys, had one letter sent to the jeweler and the jeweler sent him a sizeable check (that more than covered the value of the jewelry) within days.
Would you like to have this same clout that the wealthy have? Do you think it isn't available to the "little" guy or gal? Do you think it would cost you too much?
You can have the same clout and it doesn't cost much at all. You simply pay a very small amount per month as a member* and you have access to a professional law firm in your state! I live in Wisconsin and work personally with my team in Minnesota and Wisconsin and in all 50 states via Skype, email, etc.
Let me know if you'd like to join me as an associate and you can deduct part of your membership on your taxes plus much more benefits; even on a part time basis!
"Talk to my lawyer" can be said with confidence. Protect yourself and your family. Check out how today!
It really is a "mindset" and I've covered a bit about it before, but it has to do with so many areas in life that there are areas, and areas of those areas, which I've not yet touched on or clearly communicated. One large topic area is how the wealthy think differently than those who are not (yet). And it's that mindset that they don't yet have (or are willing to learn and/or accept) that is keeping them from the wealth. Once you've learned the mindset and maintain that mindset, wealth; "just happens".
I will only cover one area in how the wealthy think; and actually only one area of that area.
It is this.
The wealthy never pay full price for anything.
Let me say that again and let you read that again.
Just by knowing this, you can begin to do the same. It starts by looking at the things you buy differently. And it also starts by looking at things that you are not currently "buying" or providing for in your life. Like "Legal Fees".
I could speak about 1000 things, but here I want to speak about "Legal Fees".
I would bet that you don't have a way to take care of legal matters until you need them and then it's too late, you pay full price and you are emotionally charged and do not think rationally and it just is not a pleasant situation.
EXAMPLE: You get a traffic ticket and you want to contest it (or have to contest it) and it cost you up to $150 in attorney fees. I'm here to tell you that you don't need to pay full price for attorneys. Read on.
Secondly, I would further bet that you are not taking advantage of ways how you could legally avoid troubles by tackling them as they come up or before they come up because you don't have a team of lawyers on your side to do "small" things for you which can bring you "big" rewards.
EXAMPLE: An associate had some jewelry damaged when he was getting it fixed and the jeweler wasn't going to do anything to help him. With this plan, he called his team of attorneys, had one letter sent to the jeweler and the jeweler sent him a sizeable check (that more than covered the value of the jewelry) within days.
You can have the same clout and it doesn't cost much at all. You simply pay a very small amount per month as a member* and you have access to a professional law firm in your state! I live in Wisconsin and work personally with my team in Minnesota and Wisconsin and in all 50 states via Skype, email, etc.
Let me know if you'd like to join me as an associate and you can deduct part of your membership on your taxes plus much more benefits; even on a part time basis!
"Talk to my lawyer" can be said with confidence. Protect yourself and your family. Check out how today!
Today I shared how you can join the wealthy by paying less for your legal services. Please leave your comments below and return for my other articles. If you have a topic you'd like me to discuss, please let me know!
Be opportunity minded
“Effective people are not problem-minded; they’re opportunity-minded. They feed opportunities and starve problems.” -Stephen Covey
bounce when you hit bottom
“I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.” -George Patton
Give failure a second opportunity...
“Not many people are willing to give failure a second opportunity. They fail once and it is all over. The bitter pill of failure is often more than most people can handle. If you are willing to accept failure and learn from it, if you are willing to consider failure as a blessing in disguise and bounce back, you have got the essential of harnessing one of the most powerful success forces.” -Joseph Sugarman
Push Play, Make Money
Hello my name is Ter Scott and I am sharing this five minute
video with my readers, close friends, family and clients.
Here is my friend
Glenn Sparks sharing an urgent message to anyone who wants to earn a large
income now. If you can direct someone to a video, push play or click on a link,
you can make money; period!
Leave your contact info at 24/7 Message Center:
888-241-4031 or at:
Five Gifts from the Mentor of mentors
Today is a turning point in your life.
I am not here to preach; I’m only a mentor (OK, not "only", but simply, "a mentor"). I’ve had many
mentors in my life and I use my knowledge, experience and wisdom from what I’ve learned from them, to share with
my students and clients.
Today let me introduce you to someone, that is, if you haven’t yet met
or heard of Mike Smalley. He too is a “mentor” and he shares in his talk "five
gifts" that you can receive from the Mentor of mentors; the King of Kings.
As I’ve already said, I’m not here to preach but I will tell
you that I am here to reach! It is no accident that you are here reading this
and soon to watch a video that will definitely change your life; if you allow
it. I’m not going to tell you how to respond or to respond at all when and
after you watch Mike’s talk. All of the response is entirely up to you.
However, being a mentor (an instructor and teacher) I know
that assignments, action and repeated viewings offer opportunity for growth. Do
you want to grow; really?
OK, here’s your assignment. If you are committed to change
and disciplined to allow change to happen in your life, do this.
I’m not telling you how to take action, but I am asking you to “take” action.
Take out a calendar, either on your phone or a wall or pocket calendar, and mark off and schedule a full hour for the the next seven Sundays.
Take out a calendar, either on your phone or a wall or pocket calendar, and mark off and schedule a full hour for the the next seven Sundays.
Save this post and schedule time to watch this video one
time each week and leave your comments after each time that you do so. Don’t
worry if you don’t see others commenting, you can be the first.
Take notes each of the seven times that you watch and experience this video. Assuredly, each
time you will hear and learn something new; keep a notebook and date each of
your seven entries.
Get inspired and take action on your notes.
Share; create mentors from your mentoring from the Mentor of
mentors. List ways that you can share. List ways that you can incorporate what
you’ve learned form this into your everyday life.
Here is Mike's talk. Get pen and paper handy and
click on the arrow:
click on the arrow:
Let me know your comments at the end of this article. Have
you made the commitment to watch this seven times? Comment after the first
time, then comment after watching each time. Have you watched it seven times;
did you take notes each of the seven times? What did you learn? And keep your
journal nearby to make note when you receive evidence for each of the five
gifts that Mike shares with you in the video.
Congrats for finding this, congrats for being committed and
taking action on what you learn. Life is a daring adventure or it truly is
Go forth and do great things.
Life and Legacy Coach ™
What the mind of man can conceive...
“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” -Napoleon Hill
Dave Savula, LegalShield's #1 Income Earner Leaves an Inspirational Example to Others
There are at least two times when one can "revel" in one's greatness; when they are alive and with us and when they are no longer with us except for their memories. Recently one such individual has passed on. I didn't know Dave personally but I know (and am a business partner with) the company he was associated and where he directed his passion to help others.
I was emailed this notice and wanted to share it with my readers here to glean inspiration to move forward and to do great things with his or her own life; and as a reminder to me as well.
In his honor and in an effort to use his example to motivate others who read this, I share it here. If you are so inclined, send a donation at the links presented.
Make it a great day!
Ter Scott
Life and Legacy Coach
We Mourn the Loss of "The Great" Dave Savula, Long Time Champion and Friend of the Company and Number One Income Earner
Dave Savula, the number one leader of the LegalShield sales force for the past 24 years, passed away Friday, June 17 with his family at his side. Dave had been battling sarcoidosis for more than two years. His last public appearance was in March at the LegalShield Leadership Conference in Dallas where he gave an emotional and impassioned speech.
Dave began his journey with LegalShield, which was then Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc., in 1992 when he traveled to the company’s headquarters in Ada, Okla. for a face-to-face meeting with the company’s founder and CEO, Harland Stonecipher. From that first meeting, Savula set his course to the top of the company’s money earners and never relinquished his position as leader.
“I remember coming to Ada,” said Dave. “And it reminded me of where I grew up in rural Ohio. The community and company had that kind of feel. It was a family where people knew each other by name and everyone went to the game on Friday nights. I knew then, after meeting with Harland and talking with the employees, that this company was where I would make my career, and I knew I was going to the top.”
His ascension through the company’s ranks was immediate and incredible. Kathy Pinson, a long-time company executive, recalled one of the first obstacles both the company and Savula encountered, “Dave was in Ohio holding recruiting events and he sent in a lot of associate agreements and membership applications – but we weren’t even open for business in Ohio at the time. We called and told him we couldn’t process the applications and he said ‘Well, get Ohio opened because I’m not stopping!’.” The company opened in Ohio soon thereafter.
Dave’s tireless energy and travel schedule made him a top draw throughout North America. His meeting system and recruiting approach became staples that the company would adopt for its entire sales organization. His training and inspirational speeches became a highlight of every corporate event. His videos were among the top-selling sales and recruiting aids in the company’s history.
He became the first sales associate to break the $1 million mark in annual earnings in 1998. His income would continue to grow throughout his career, even as he reduced the amount of advance commissions he was paid. Ultimately, he would become the first to go fully “as earned,” meaning his commissions were no longer advanced and his residual income soared. The impact of Savula’s pay strategy will remain for generations in his family.
Away from the company, Dave’s personal life was entwined with family and football. He and his wife of 46 years Beverly, or “Bev” as he referred to her, were high school sweethearts from Mogadore, Ohio. According to his recollection of their love affair, they lived merely blocks away from each other even as children. “I was the football star and she was the cute cheerleader,” he said. “We’ve been together ever since.” The couple have 2 sons: David John and Michael.
Dave also had a lifetime passion for and coached football in the NW Georgia Youth Football Leagues for 30 years. Dave is among the winningest coaches in Ga. youth football history, priding himself in teams that routinely finished among the best in the state. He coached many players that went on to play collegiately and in the National Football League.
Two years ago, LegalShield unveiled the Dave Savula Lifetime Achievement Award at its headquarters in Ada. A bronze bust of Dave is set to be unveiled at the headquarters, along with other key figures in the company’s history, during this year’s LegalShield International Convention, scheduled for July 14-16 in Oklahoma City.
“The world has lost a great man, a great husband, father and crusader for justice,” said Jeff Bell, CEO, LegalShield. “Dave not only helped to build this company— he helped tens of thousands of people start and succeed in business, and in the process, he helped protect hundreds of thousands of families. He will be missed by everyone, but his legacy lives forever.”
Dave Savula stood out because of his great passion and enthusiasm in everything he did, he loved his family, he loved his business and he loved football, and he showed that in everything he did-- for that we love him.
To honor Dave’s wishes, in lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Foundation for the Pearlstine Sarcoidosis Center of Excellence, 18 Bee Street, MSC 450, Charleston, South Carolina 29425 or online at please note Dave Savula in the “Tribute Information” section of the donation page.
In addition, we will be sending this press release tomorrow. The celebration of Dave’s life and impact will continue to be broadcast through LegalShield’s Associate Network Facebook page—please visit the page and stay tuned for information about a memorial service—stay inspired and make Dave proud.
The winners in life... Denis Waitley
“The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can’t do.” -Denis Waitley
Why you should know where you’ll be in five years.
Have you ever wondered why employers ask you during a job
interview where you “see” yourself in five years? Have you thought that this
was a “stupid” question, a “throw away” type question or just something to “get
the conversation rolling”? And, did you find yourself role playing and
preparing an answer for this “five year” question prior to an interview so that
you’d have a canned answer or did you find yourself pondering on it and come up
with several “adequate” answers?
From my experience, I don’t think it really had a bearing on
whether I was hired or not. I also believe that at least 95 percent of those
asked and 95 percent of those asking don’t have a clue as to why we should ask
this question and why we need to have an answer, a very clear answer at that. I
will share exactly why everyone needs to know where they will “be” (have, do
and be) in five years; and even longer.
Here’s the answer. We need to “see” where we’ll be in five
years, or it won’t happen. We will just be a wondering generality. We will go
from home to work, home to work 5 or 6 times a week (or more if we have several
jobs) and in five years end up like the friend’s son in the story; older.
As one of my mentors Jim Rohn states, if we see a man laying
bricks and ask him what he’s building and if the man says, I don’t know; I’m
just putting these bricks here and see what becomes of it, we would think that
this man has lost any sense that he ever had. One must first see the building
built (your five year goal), completed, before you can build it. See your goal;
see it in your mind’s eye and on paper and then build it.
What are you building today?
Ter Scott is a Life and Legacy Coach ™. You can contact him
and see related materials at:
Your life's movie...
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching.” -Mooie
Jim Rohn's 13 Minute Goal Seminar, and there is "Gold Dust" in the air for Entrepreneurs
Here’s a 13 minute goals seminar by Jim Rohn.
I offer it here for my business clients and anyone to view; as everyone will benefit from it, and especially for my associates building Loyalty Merchant Communities in their own areas.
BTW, if you are an entrepreneur, there is “gold dust” in the air and we need help talking to businesses.
I offer it here for my business clients and anyone to view; as everyone will benefit from it, and especially for my associates building Loyalty Merchant Communities in their own areas.
BTW, if you are an entrepreneur, there is “gold dust” in the air and we need help talking to businesses.
Our marketing team is expanding in the USA; we're already in 46 countries. If interested in
being part of a new marketing phenomena in the USA, check this out.
Many localities are still open; but not for long!
Share advice only when welcomed.
Recently, after having a discussion with a young friend I suggested that I send him a few videos to watch with may inform him about certain issues we had discussed. His reply was something about "Do what you think you need to do...". At that point I knew he wasn't ready to listen and I did not exert further effort. I may in the future when this gentleman shows interest but for now, I know it will fall on hard ground.
"One can plant seeds when there is soil that is ready. Then one can nurture its growth as the environment allows". Ter Scott Life and Legacy Coach
Brain Tracy - "Successful people..."
“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’” -Brian Tracy
Get some cool stuff, here's a free book.
Here’s what I’m reading now. Go here and you’ll get your FREE
as my gift: CLICK HERE.
Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!
Life and Legacy Coach
To be successful...
“To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it.” -Bunker Hunt
How to be an “Instant Public Speaker” ™ By Ter Scott! : Win Professional Speaking System. Profit from Spea...
has, good speaking skills is imperative for success. My friend Tom offers a
chance to win his PROFESSIONAL SPEAKING system...How to be an “Instant Public Speaker” ™ By Ter Scott! : Win Professional Speaking System. Profit from Spea...: Read here how you can win Tom Antion's Wake 'em Up PROFESSIONAL SPEAKING System. I have a very special announcement that I hope ev...
Associate with good people.
“Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.” -Booker T. Washington
Jim Rohn: “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were ...
The Wisdom of Jim Rohn
“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were
better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less
challenge, wish for more wisdom.” - See more
I will be conducting an online course soon about how you can learn from Jim's wisdom along with my experience and teaching skill to create an awesome life! Please read my recent article and ask your questions and offer feedback and ideas as to what your most pressing needs are and what you'd like to learn from such a class. After I have enough people expressing interest I will open the enrollment to all, including my regular students.
Here's the article:
Learn the Success Principles of Jim Rohn and
how to put them into practice by Ter Scott!
Here's the link to let me know your comments and what you want from such a course: CLICK HERE.
FREE GIFT: Here is my FREE BOOK OF THE DAY! CLICK HERE to see what it is and to download it absolutely free as my gift to you!
Here are a few popular books by Jim Rohn:
My Philosophy For Successful LivingHere are a few popular books by Jim Rohn:
7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness: Power Ideas from America's Foremost Business Philosopher
The Jim Rohn Guides Complete Set
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