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Choose winning over whining.

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Everything in life is a choice; even choosing to win or whine. Every choice, no matter how little or insignifcant it may seem at the time, has altered your course in life and has made you who you are and brought you to the place and situation you are at today, at this very moment. And, your choice of either having a winning attitude or a whining attitude during those times of deciding what thought to continue, what you will eat today to make you strong or heavy, what discussion you’ll have today, what people you’ll see or what road to take, also have influence over how you choose to make your life.
It's been said that we are exactly in the situation that we want to be in. When I first heard that, I was a bit defensive as most people are, but I soon realized that it is indeed the truth. And with that realization, I continue to try to improve and be wise with the decisions I choose.

The good news is that we are always making decisions almost every moment as to which way to turn and what we should do. Most of the things we do are such a habit that we don’t consider doing something else; we just do it without having to make decisions. Start today to make winning (not whining) a habit. 
You can win and whine at the same time but you'll get to your goal faster with less whining.

Life isn't fair. It's true, and you still have to deal with it. Whining about it rarely levels the playing field, but learning to rise above it is the ultimate reward.
Harvey Mackay

There seems to be more quotes about people winning than there are about people whinning so I think there is still hope for all of us. Ter Scott

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Give yourself time to attain; up to twelve months with this method

Any good coach and mentor will tell us that we should first reflect on what we've done, and then project doing it better in the future; maybe not so much in those certain terms but I've found it true in my life and counseling. My new book offers a way to do this in a practical yet fun and interesting way.
Whatever you do, whoever you are, you probably want to get more from your life, your career, etc. I’ve put together a book that show you how you can turn your life around within twelve months. People want instant fixes but we must remember that we didn’t get into our present situation “instantly” it took some time to get where we are with the good and the not so good. Get my book, create your own reflection and projection holiday and put it on your calendar. Give yourself twelve months time to see results. As the old commercial stated, “Try it, you’ll like it”. It’s only $4.99 (priced this low for a limited time; no, really. The price goes up soon).


Tony Robbins says that by the 15th of January most people have quit their resolution, that is why he one of his passions is to help people 365 days a year. And, that's why I just published my Kindle book: Attainment Revelation Celebration. It explains how you can create your own holiday in which you create a list of wishes, set them aside for twelve months, when you come back to them on your personal holiday to reflect and project; and repeat the process for another year. Plus, you can start this at any time; not just at the beginning of the year!